Saturday, September 29, 2007


A new report out by the US military says that illegal entry into Iraq by foreign terrorist fighters has been cut in half due to the efforts of the Iraqi Security forces.

So let me see, even the Iraqis can secure their borders now???

Meanwhile here at home, our borders are wide open because, we have been told, there is no way to truely secure our southern border and therefore we should just let everybody in, give them all amnesty, our jobs, our ID's, our neighborhoods, our tax dollars, our schools, our medical system, etc, etc... and just pray that no Islamic extremist sneaks through with them and blows us all up!

Wow I feel so warm and fuzzy inside!!!

What say you?

Friday, September 28, 2007


First let me say that personally I would never have an abortion, that's why I've been very careful to never get pregnant.

However, even though I would never have one, I do believe that it is MY choice to decide that, and I would never allow anyone else to interfere in my decision process.
Don't get me wrong I love babies, but they have one huge flaw...sooner or later they all become teenagers, and I'm not putting myself through that hell. lol

The truth is that many have forgotten why abortion became legal in the first place.
Yes it was ruled a woman's right to decide what happens inside her own body,
BUT another big reason was that MANY women were dying or being mamed for life from going to what were refered to as
"back-alley butchers" and from preforming self-induced abortions through the use of coat hangers and other such tactics.

Whatever your feelings are on the subject, the fact remains that if abortions were made illegal again, women would resort to those same tactics again, because a woman simply is NOT going to have a baby if she doesn't want to.
End of story, it just isn't going to happen!

The fact also remains that fathers, in general, are not held responsible even now in the 21st century. They can, and often do, walk away from their children with no consequences whatsoever.
So until men take responsibility for their part in procreation, women should not be forced to either.

What say you?

Thursday, September 27, 2007


In Malaysia, a muslim woman was sentenced to 6 months in jail for attempting to cut off her muslim husband's penis.

The story goes......the couple had been married for 17 years and then the man married another woman (in Malaysia muslim men are allowed to have up to 4 wives at a time), he then made a remark about the new wife being better in bed then the first wife was, so the first wife took a knife and tried to cut his dick off.

The man drove himself to the hospital on a motorcycle
(ouch that had to hurt), where he received 11 stitches to fix his pecker.

I guess that'll teach him...LOL

I must say that I am very surprised the woman only got 6 months.....I would have expected her to be sentenced to death being as that muzzies were involved.

What say you?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


and since a picture is worth a thousand words....

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Today, Panama police reported that they "detained" 6 Syrians who were on a flight from Cuba to Panama after they "approached the cockpit".

hummmm, eyebrows raised, brain cogs whirring, and a slight jolt in the pit of my stomach, afterall I do remember 9-11!!!

I also feel the pang of anger rising because this has rated nothing more than a mention on the ticker that goes across the bottom of my TV screen as I watch the same old news stories being told for the twenty first time today.
Now because I find this far more interesting then the repeatative drival I am listening to on the 24 hour news stations, I went to the internet.
This is what I found.......

Apparently these 6 Syrians were between the ages of 17-30 (perfect jihadi ages), they were sitting in first class, and before the cockpit door incident happened the crew had already been suspicious of them when flight attendants noticed that at least one knife was missing when they picked up their breakfast trays.

A little while later at least 3 of the syrians got up and approached the cockpit doors and tried to open them.
The door was locked, THANK GOD, I guess they remember 9-11 too!
They later told the police they thought it was the bathroom.
I guess they were planning to all pee at the same

The plane did land safely, and Panama's national police surrounded the plane and took all 6 Syrians and a Cuban into custody.
The Cuban was later released because police deemed he had not been traveling with the Syrians.
Other passengers on Copa flight 231 from Havana to Panama City said they did fear the men were going to enter the cockpit.

The crew, the passengers, the police, and the judical police all say the men tried to enter the cockpit...however later the Panamanian Civil Aviation Authority spokesman said they did not try to enter.

Hummmm who to believe, who to believe?

Anyway, the police have 24 hours to decide whether to charge the men or not.

Maybe the news stations will wake the hell up tomorrow and notice this story!!!

What say you?

Monday, September 24, 2007


After 20+ years of knowing about AIDS/HIV and how it is passed around, should we still have to be so God damned politically correct as to never hold the carriers responsible for their own situation??

I mean come on, considering the diseases that exist in the world today AIDS is one of the most preventable if people would only take a few very simple steps to protect themselves, and yet the aids epidemic continues to spread.

These steps are...........

#1 - if you have to be a junky, DON"T use someone elses needles.

#2 - if you have to sleep with every Tom, Dick, & Mary, at least wear a condom.

#3 - if you do have AIDS/HIV, DON"T get pregnant!!

#4 - The final thing that needs to be done is to make sure that ALL blood products are ALWAYS PROPERLY tested when collected from individuals!We know how to do this so it just boggles my mind that tainted products continue to slip through.

These 4 very simple steps would pretty much wipe out the AIDS/HIV virus from the planet.

The first 3 steps are totally up to each one of us, and if you choose not to take these steps should I have to feel sorry for you???

The last step is something we should really get down on our government & our high priced medical system for.
The medical establishment makes mega bucks by charging us out the ass for every little thing, so the least we should expect from them is that they actually do their job, and one of their jobs is to make sure the blood products that they give us are safe.
And the government should make damn sure that they do that!

What say you?

Sunday, September 23, 2007


The recent black rally in Jena, Louisiana got me to thinking!

What if it had been reversed?

What if 6 WHITE boys had beaten up 1 BLACK kid, beaten him unconscience in the schoolyard while others stood by and did nothing.

What would all those people protesting in Jena have wanted then?

Would they demand that all 6 white boys be set free?

Or would they demand that those 6 white boys be put in prison forever?

More likely the later is the case.

Therefore I find it a little hypocritical, actually hugely hypocritical, that these people's montra was "equal justice".
They walk around calling us racists when in reality they exhibit more racist behavior then I have ever exhibited in my entire life.

So I return their own words on them.....How can their be justice when there's still a double standard in this country?

What say you?

Saturday, September 22, 2007


I am Veritas (truth) and I have alot of questions and opinions that I will be putting forth for discussion.....Let's start with this.

In general I don't care if people are gay or not, however what really bothers me is the fact that these days I don't appear to have a choice!!

It seems that the politically correct assholes of America are trying to shove it down our throats, and in no uncertain terms, are telling us that we HAVE to love faggots and we HAVE to accept them.

They are even grabbing our children, in schools, at a very young age, and teaching them that being gay is totally normal.

The way I see it, as long as I cause no harm I should be able to feel however I want to and it is my right to teach my children the values I wish them to have.
How dare the politically correct assholes take that away from me!!!

I am an American, and should have the freedom to make up my own mind about things, but in todays America it is not politically correct to be a free thinker.

What say you?