Sunday, September 23, 2007


The recent black rally in Jena, Louisiana got me to thinking!

What if it had been reversed?

What if 6 WHITE boys had beaten up 1 BLACK kid, beaten him unconscience in the schoolyard while others stood by and did nothing.

What would all those people protesting in Jena have wanted then?

Would they demand that all 6 white boys be set free?

Or would they demand that those 6 white boys be put in prison forever?

More likely the later is the case.

Therefore I find it a little hypocritical, actually hugely hypocritical, that these people's montra was "equal justice".
They walk around calling us racists when in reality they exhibit more racist behavior then I have ever exhibited in my entire life.

So I return their own words on them.....How can their be justice when there's still a double standard in this country?

What say you?


Anonymous said...

Live in MY skin before you pass judgment. Walk in MY shoes before you cry foul. Do you know what it was like to stand in the back of the bus?, to use restrooms for blacks only?, to use drinking fountans for black folk only?, to be baned from voting?, to be shot for looking at a white girl? I could go on and on, but I won't.

Raceism has come a long way in this country but blacks are stil treated like second class citizens. Would you date a black man, or allow your son or daughter to date one?

Anonymous said...

Somebody give Bubba his mule and 40 acres. PLEASE!

LOKI - Nana said...

I think the question really is..
Do YOU know what it's like to stand in the back of the bus?, or to use black only restrooms? or to be banned from voting?, or to be shot for looking at a white girl?. I could go on and on also, but I won't.

The fact is that unless your a very, very old man you have NOT experienced any of those things.

All the things black people cry foul about don't even exist anymore.
I mean sure there is still racism HOWEVER that racism exists on both sides of the isle!

Slavery ended a very long time ago and it is high time black people stopped whining as if they are still under the whip and using it as an excuse for their own personal lack of responsibility!

If you sit in the back of a bus, it's because you choose to, if you don't vote it's because you choose not to, etc, etc....

If you still feel inferior then there is something wrong inside your own self.
So what if everyone doesn't like you.

You think you are second class citizens?
The way I see it,you have been given alot of advantages that I will NEVER get because I am white.

Afirmative action,

The united NEGRO college fund,

You are allowed to have black groups that represent ONLY black people on capital hill, but I would never be allowed to have "white representation",

Black history month,

People like Ray Nagin are allowed to say that he is gonna make New Orleans a "chocolate city"
You think a white man would have been allowed to say he wanted a "vanilla city"??
I think not!

You can blame me for every single problem that you have ever had in your entire life.
But I am expected to take responsibilty for myself, and rise or fall on my own merits!!

Louis Farakhan is allowed to go to capital hill and stand infront of a million black men and openly state that you need to kill all the white people and take over America.

Do you think a white man would be allowed to get away with telling a million other white men to kill all the blacks??
You know for a fact that would never be allowed!!

Again, I could go on and on but I wont.

I guess what I am saying is that racism cuts both ways, and until black people admit that, you should not expect to be welcomed with open arms by everyone!

Anonymous said...

yeah black bubba, quit your fucking whining about stuff that happened before you were ever born. if you think that you have it bad, why dont you go look at some of the indian reservations and see how bad they live TODAY, right now? when i was born, in 1979, the reservation didnt have a doctor for over 40 miles and my grandparents house, where i ended up being born, didnt have running water. did you have running water in 1979? could you get medical care? see that shit still goes on in america, today, right now, while you are sitting in front a computer whining about how you have it bad. have you seen any civil rights movement on behalf of native americans? nooooooo, you sure as fuck havent! have you seen any million man march by native americans? nope, i dont know if we even have that many left. what you do see though, is an increase in the number of native americans enlisting in the military, because they love this country and are willing to die for it. so why dont you quit whining about shit and get off your ass and do something for yourself. get a decent education and no one will be able to keep you down. live in the present day, not the past, like a damn muslim. be a positive person and look at what you have, not what some ancestor wasnt allowed to have. get er done!


Anonymous said...

Racism and Politics,
Maybe it's just me, but has anyone noticed that as we get closer to elections, Racist accusations rise ?, it seems like many polititions love to keep the idea of racism alive and well as a rallying point to gain votes.
Now this bubba fellow is really trying his hardest to makes excuses for bad behaviors, just like evil muslims do and I can honestly say that even when most white people talk when no black people are around, they don't say anything racist, but I have to ask, can you say the same thing ?, no you can't, because i've hung around both groups, so bubba as a minority race myself, I'm 100% pure blooded native American and my people have suffered more than you will ever know, but you don't see me blaming others for what dead people did long ago.
So bubba your racism is in your mind, and we all create our own prisons and if we can't grab what opportinities that are out there, we have no one to blame but ourselves.


loki said...

Amen Alicia and Lowglow,

I am part native American too so I get absolutely livid when I hear the "black attitude" about how hard things have been for them, and how "we" owe them shit.

Blacks don't deserve reparations but the native americans sure as hell do!!!

But as Alicia said you don't ever hear them whining and griping, and if anyone in the US has a right to bitch it's them!!!

I have nothing against the color black, I do however have a huge problem with the black attitude that says I owe them something!!

I don't owe them anything!!!!

LOKI - Nana said...

I second myself!

Anonymous said...

oh its definately a double standard, but on both sides. its just like the infighting it will never stop because one doesn't know how to leave the other alone. im white but i think there ae a lot of racist white people who make life hard on others, and we all know what was done to the American Indian. I dont appreciate being blamed for it however, Its not my fault, I wasnt there, I didn't do it, so its definately a double standard no matter how you slice it. The American Indian may be resentful, but still maintain their dignity, and they have ALOT less than the blacks do these days. Some blacks do better than white people and they still think they are owed something. Blacks aint the minority anymore, I dont care what statistics show. They need to re-evalute...

LOKI - Nana said...

Oh and by the way Bubba

The blacks got the right to vote in this country way before women did!!

J*A*C*K said...

I think we have an American Indian uprising here (holds on to his scalp). LMFAO

By the way... I am about 1/8 American Indian or is that Native American now? Political correctness has come a long way baby.

Peter @ Enviroman said...


Thanks for leaving a comment in my post New Blogger: Adding advertisements, hit counters, etc. and for your kind words.

Peter a.k.a. enviroman
Enviroman Says
(floods in England, polar ice and ice caps at moutain peaks melting, I think more severe and frequent hurricanes in US, rain when it is supposed to be a dry season in my country, someone from Queensland recently contacted me if I noticed the weather changing. I replied when I was young I had to sleep under the blanket, but now I sleep topless. If I remembered, he said it is freezing in tropical Queensland and now he has to sleep under a blanket. Please folks, take good care of our one and only Spaceship Earth which have no lifeboat. It may not affect us severely now, but it has every chance of severely affecting our future generations. Then they will have lots to be "thankful to us)

Anonymous said...

we all know what was done to the American Indian. I dont appreciate being blamed for it however, Its not my fault, I wasnt there, I didn't do it, so its definately a double standard no matter how you slice it. The American Indian may be resentful, but still maintain their dignity, and they have ALOT less than the blacks do these days.
ok, i havent met every single indian in the country, (i say that because its shorter than native american), but i have danced at a lot of powows across the country and i have never met an indian that resented white people for what happened in the past. maybe some of the older people did back in the early part of the century, but nowdays, only real radical weirdos go on about that stuff, and no one pays attention to them. most of the indian population lives out among every one else. more and more leave the reservation every day, for the simple reason that they recognize that they need to get an education to get ahead in the world, and they need to go where the opportunities are. actually, its really kind of sad when people do leave the reservation because its such a different culture out in the world. i try to go back to visit relatives at least twice a year. trust me, we dont sit around and bitch about white people. we like white people now days because they all feel guilty about what their ancestors did to our ancestors and bend over backwards to be nice to us. hell, its so fashionable to be a native american nowdays, you have people impersonating us, like that creep ward churchhill who finally got fired. i dont even think of myself as an indian first, i think of myself as an american, and then an indian, and thats they way the indians i know feel. so please dont take me citing historical facts as meaning that i resent white people. i dont. i even married one, and some of my best friends are white people.


LOKI - Nana said...

Very nicely said Alicia