Friday, September 28, 2007


First let me say that personally I would never have an abortion, that's why I've been very careful to never get pregnant.

However, even though I would never have one, I do believe that it is MY choice to decide that, and I would never allow anyone else to interfere in my decision process.
Don't get me wrong I love babies, but they have one huge flaw...sooner or later they all become teenagers, and I'm not putting myself through that hell. lol

The truth is that many have forgotten why abortion became legal in the first place.
Yes it was ruled a woman's right to decide what happens inside her own body,
BUT another big reason was that MANY women were dying or being mamed for life from going to what were refered to as
"back-alley butchers" and from preforming self-induced abortions through the use of coat hangers and other such tactics.

Whatever your feelings are on the subject, the fact remains that if abortions were made illegal again, women would resort to those same tactics again, because a woman simply is NOT going to have a baby if she doesn't want to.
End of story, it just isn't going to happen!

The fact also remains that fathers, in general, are not held responsible even now in the 21st century. They can, and often do, walk away from their children with no consequences whatsoever.
So until men take responsibility for their part in procreation, women should not be forced to either.

What say you?


Anonymous said...

your saying its ok to murder a child you are not a good christian

Anonymous said...

my body - my choice

Anonymous said...

what really ticks me off is that alot of women use abortion as a form of birth control
if women would prevent pregnancy in the first place there would be no reason for the million + abortions every year in America
and men should stop using the idiotic excuse of... its like wearing a raincoat in the shower... and just wear a fucking rubber

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

who cares its an old worn out social issue that should have been put to bed a long time ago

Anonymous said...

Why abort it when you can sell it?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on this one. I think that abortion should be legal, womens body womens choice. I think that making abortion illegal would be taking a dangerous step backwards.

Anonymous said...

There are enough unwanted children in this world so why bring more into it

Anonymous said...

What if YOU had ben aborted?

Anonymous said...

I wouldnt know about it would I
so it really wouldnt matter much

Kathi said...

I totally agree with you on this topic.