Thursday, October 18, 2007


Although there are even more references to the significance of 2012, this will be my last post about it.

So lets end with this.......
There is another odd pointer to the 2012 date.
American psychedelic shaman Terrance McKenna who was primarily an expert on psychedelic substances, as religious sacraments used by shamans throughout history.

McKenna took the I CHING (a 5,000 yr. old Chinese book that describes all nature and human endeavor in terms of the interaction of yin and yang) and he did a mathematical computer analysis, where he broke the book down into fractuals that produced a timeline, starting with the "big bang" and proceeding to the end of time.
Mysteriously the computer calculations simply ended
December 21, 2012.


#1 - Experts believe that on October 18, 2012 - at 20:36 (Eastern Daylight Time), the Earth will be home to 7 billion, according to the US Census Bureau.

#2 - Some proponents of a "peak oil catastrophe" place major events in 2012. Several studies predict a peak in oil production in or around 2012. Afterwards a massive and permanent decline will occur.


Now whether you believe ancient prophecies, bible codes, mathematical predictions, computer simulations or must admit that it is quite scarey that so many unrelated peoples and things all seem to come up with the same date!!!
It does give us something to think about!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Morgon I think you did a wonderful job presenting your case and I would like to congratulate you on a job well done.

LOKI - Nana said...

Thanks Anthony!
I'm glad someone appreciates me

Anonymous said...

loki if you let me I would love to "appreciate" you lol

Anonymous said...

you didnt let us know that there was going to be math and charts in this. will that be on the test?

Anonymous said...

thats alot to process. you've definately done some homework on it. i'll comment later when ive thought about it some more...but you definately have some points ...

Anonymous said...

oh, you rock! forgot to add that in.

LOKI - Nana said...

Yes it will all be on the test, and your score will count for 50% of your final grade!!

So study hard children ...LOL

Anonymous said...

Though this date keeps popping up. Things are always intrepetted. Not sure if I believe in any of this. But paradoxically it's compelling to say the least. I'm a firm believe that the things we are capable of controlling...we can. As for the things we are unable to control, we just have to accept it and deal with the aftermath. At least this is a date most of us will be around to see if anything happens.

LOKI - Nana said...

Yeah I am looking forward to seeing if any of this comes to pass