Monday, November 5, 2007


U.S. farmer, Steve Scaroni, owner / operator of Valley Harvesting
& Packing company has moved his $50 million a year business to Mexico because he says he can not find enough workers here in the U.S.
Mr. Scaroni employs approx. 500 people in his company and says quite simply "Americans are not raising their children to be farmers", and adds that he has been to Washington 6 times himself to lobby congress to ease restrictions on legal migrant workers.

The other side of the story comes for the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture who says lack of workers comes from the fact that the average farm worker wages have only increased 3% in the last 7 years.
The average farmer makes $9/hour which is lower then farm wages were 10 years ago.
Also basic health care is left to the federal government, and there are no benefit packages to speak of.
The Dept of Agriculture also states that part of the agriculture industry problems come from their overall refusal to mechanize.

It should be stated that Mr. Scaroni says it costs $10 million a year to run his business.
So if you do the math......
He makes $50 million/year
It costs $10 million/year to run the business
Which, if my math is correct, gives him and his investors a
$40 million/year profit!!!

So the reality is....If business' like Mr. Scaronis would take less profit, they could pay better hourly wages, benefits, and healthcare packages, and I doubt that they would have any problems at all in finding American workers.

But once again Corporate America is NOT going to cut into that almighty profit margin now are they!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

with all the illegals running around America I dont understand how the guy had trouble finding workers here

Anonymous said...

maybe if all the jobs move to Mexico the wetbacks will stay home.

I like to find the silver lining in every cloud lol

Anonymous said...

let him move to mexico and when the drug lords move into his area he can ask the Mexican govt for help lol

Anonymous said...

Hello Morgon, how are you today?

I thought your post was well put together and you are correct, the greed of corporate America is the antecedent for many of the woes of this nation.
The future ramifications of it will be tremendous and we shall all suffer for it in the end.

Anonymous said...

I need a tylenol

Anonymous said...

I need an orgasm.

Anonymous said...

I need a night alone with loki

Anonymous said...

me too

J*A*C*K said...

tammy said...
with all the illegals running around America I dont understand how the guy had trouble finding workers here

November 5, 2007 9:22 PM
Here in Nebraska the feds are starting to really crack down on illegals. They are raiding all the places that hire illegals and carting them off to detention on the spot. In addition the employers of these illegals are being heavely fined. It's becoming a new ball game around here.

LOKI - Nana said...

It's about damn time ain't it Jack!!!

Anonymous said...

loki I know you work alot and play hard when your not working but get your butt back to room 10 we are going to take it back and we need you cause you have always been a good basher