Thursday, December 13, 2007


I would like to ask you all to adopt a soldier.

It doesn't take to much of your time or money and yet it means the world to these boys and girls to know that we, back here at home, love and support them.
Write them a letter once a week or so, and maybe send a little care package to them every now and then.

I ask that you make this your New Years resolution.....
Take care of someone who is risking his/her life to take care of you!!!

For information about how to adopt your special soldier go to

The Process:
Basically you apply and wait for an email saying that your approved and then a soldier's name and addy will be given to you and that's it!!
Just start writing!!

I have more than one soldier myself and I have grown very close to every one of them and we write to each other often.
I send them what I can in care packages and they are so very appreciative to receive anything no matter how small.
I like to burn music CD's for them and send them homemade peanut butter cookies.
I bet I have sent enough to fill up a whole bakery by now lol

Anyway, I have been doing this for years and I can give you ideas on what to send if you need any.
But the best thing you can send them is your love and appreciation in letters. Hearing their names called at mail call really makes their day!!!

Some of my babies have gone home but we still exchange Christmas cards every year and an occasional letter.
When one of my babies go home I adopt a new one because I can't stand to sit here and do nothing. I support the troops and I really hope you will too!!!

This is a very good way to feel like your actually doing something to help the war effort.
Good for them and good for you too!!

So please I beg each and every person who reads this........

Soldiers' Angels
"May No Soldier Go Unloved"


Anonymous said...

Loki will you adopt me?

LOKI - Nana said...

LOL yeah put on a uniform and go over and get yer ass shot at everyday and I will adopt you in a heart beat!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Loki, thanks for the info. I been wanting to do something like this for a long time. And to be able to touch a soilders heart on an inidividual level is much better. Thanks for posting this.

Anonymous said...

lokis_stalker... do you do windows?

J*A*C*K said...



LOKI - Nana said...

lol I certainly do lol

**sticks tongue out at Jack**

LOKI - Nana said...

Hey Anonymous 3:08

Glad the info was helpful.
Anything we can do for our troops is better than doing nothing at all!

Let me know if I can help you anymore regarding this issue.

LOKI - Nana said...

lokis_stalker said...


Just as I suspected lol

Anonymous said...

Loki if I need any help when I adopt a soldier I will definitely come to you. I already filled in my application and just waiting. It's such a wonderful thing for people to do this for our men and woman overseas. And you were right...sure it feels good to hear their name called out during mail call. And I definitely will send my adopted soldier care packages. I will simple ask them what do they want or need and do it for them. It will feel good knowing I am helping someone who is stuck in a hell hole.

Anonymous said...

Yes the poor brave soldiers need youre letters.Give me a break,should'nt fucking be there in the first place.And no im not anti american before u all start crying,im anti war and anti invasion.While you's are thinking of ure soldiers,i'll be thinking of the poor kids who has'nt got any mothers or fathers and those poor iraqi kids living in a war zone wondering when the next bomb is dropped on them. I know who my prayers will be for. og!

Anonymous said...

og you're anti american. don't u realize these muzzie fuckers want to take away our way of life. if u cant see this then ur dumber than most thought u were. and no soldier has the right which war they can sit out or be apart of. they simple follow orders due to being highly motivated. we are not like ur pussy ira ppl are. and have to resort to terroristic acts like bombing a public place and killing kids and innocent. u know damn well ur ira targeted these people hoping the brits would give in and pacify ur bs.

Anonymous said...

Yes im anti american,and yes it was the IRA that armed saddam against IRAN and yes the IRA armed the afghans against the russians aswell,do you know how stupid you sound?dont you fucking dare try and compare the irish situation to the muzzies.We were fighting for independence from 800 years of persecution &occupation just like you's faught against the brits and won ure independence in the early 1800's.Do you know wot its like to walk out of youre own house with a british soldier standing pointing the muzzle of his gun towards your head?snipers on the roof watching everywhere u go,helicopters hovering over head,army check points at every street corner monitoring youre every move,then you have to bring the kids to and from school with loyalist scumabags throwing bags of piss over you while the so called state police force standing and laughing at you(who were 99% british and anti irish catholic)when its happening and cheering on the loyalist scumbags.Going to mass on a sunday evening and british soldiers standing out side laughing and joking then spitting on the granmothers and fathers as they leave mass calling them gyspeys bastards and fenian bastards? I THINK NOT. Dont ever dare tell me that the IRA are terrorists they were our only protectors if not for them god knows what woulda heppend to us.Still think the irish are terrorists huh????????????

Anonymous said...

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

LOKI - Nana said...

You pray for the safety and victory of the Iraqis???
You cast your scorn upon the American troops and her allies???

You would pray for those whose yoke of barbery would enslave you and all of your people for all time to come???

You think British rule is bad.
You will pray for the good ol' days of British rule if Islam ever gets their hands on you!!!
I guarantee you that!!!

It is a hard and sometimes lonely journey to do what is right when the ignorant eyes of the world are upon you, but America understands exactly what is at stake.
To bad you do not!!

You should get down on your knees and thank America for stepping up and taking on the Islamic horde.
This way maybe YOUR children will not have to one day.

You pray for the Islamic women and children???
You pray for the breeders of terrorism and the future Jihadis??

Well at least I finally know where you truely stand now.
I hate to judge people based on the opinions of others.
I like to hear it for myself.
So I thank you for letting me know which side you have choosen.

You say Ireland has fought 800 years of British rule and yet the only thing you have acommplished in all that time is a fagile truce??

Gosh America's war of independence against British rule only lasted a few years and we gained an entire nation!!! Forever free of British control.

So maybe there is some jealousy in your hatred of us.
Maybe you should have learned from our example.

Instead you rail against those who have tried to help you. Who took your people in and have made them our own, when Ireland suffered so badly due to the potato famine.
We could have turned you away and allowed you to starve to death on your own soil.

You rail against those who were of TREMENDOUS help in stopping the Nazi machine that would have taken Ireland along with the rest of Europe had it not been stopped.

And still you pray for Iraqi victory??

The muzzies will not stop until they are all dead, or until they rule the entire world under the brutal thumb of Islam.

So you better hope we win this or maybe one day you and your people will have your own 9-11.
Or possibly you would prefer that, I don't know.

But again thanks for letting me know how you really feel about my beloved nation.
I will not forget.

As for me my wish is that every single muzzie man, woman, and child be erased from the face of the earth because only then can peace be acheived.

Now you know EXACTLY where I stand and which side I have choosen.
So I guess you and I have nothing left to talk about EVER!!!!!

LOKI - Nana said...

Oh and one more thing Leprechaun

You think you have the right to defend yourselves and to take the fight to your so-called enemies, but you do not think America has that same right???

What a fucking hypocrite!!!!

Anonymous said...

Excuse me loki,im far from anti american.I love americans if it was'nt for youre ppl i would'nt have had the opertunity to visit youre great country,as a child i was brought over from ireland to america to take me outa this war shithole the brits created,i spent 6 weeks with an irish american family(whom i did'nt know from adam)and they treated me like a king,i was 10 years of age i had a birthday there and i will never forget the birthday party they had for was fuckign enormous i never knew anything like it.when they brought me to new york they took me to the trade centres i did'nt go in just out side and took pic's and then onto the statue of liberty (that i did go on)and i visited the museum just next to it to look up my ancestery family that immigrated to the states during the famine(which the british created and opressed the irish ppl) and look up the family tree.I will be for ever thankful to youre ppl,and to say im anti american is propostrious. I know wot iike to live in an occupied country so my opinion counts more than ures ever will do loki,u sit in youre cossy house with an american flag out ure window ad sit an watch ure cable channels and see whats going on through a lence of a camera, u dont know shit,and you seem to forget that it was the american goverment that armed these muslim extremists in afghnistan and iraq so there for created the fucking monster.I dont support anyone against you i was talking about the everyday ordinary women and kids that have to put up with this bullshit. You are the minority anyway the good american public has seen through bush's regime they dont want no more apart of it loki 60-40 against,does that mean 60% of the american are also radical bastards who wants the troops dead huh huh? ure a bright woman loki sometimes you ruin it through ure hatred and bitterness.And yes the world trade centre was hard to take,thats why u's hit afghanistan fully understandable offcourse that was justified,but IRAQ? its all fucking oil lokis nothing more nothing less.Anyway have a nice xmas lokis u and the familyxxx Lets cut this fighting till xmas is over atleast for god sake. SAOIRSE

LOKI - Nana said...

lol It's kind of funny that you say I know shit about living under occupation.

I am part native American so in that respect I know plenty about it!!
I know what happened to my people and it was alot worse then just being spit on, and I know what was taken away from them.
I see it everyday all around me.

I am an American and I defend my nation because it truely is MY nation.

Just like my ancestors I refuse to just sit back and allow my nation to be hurt by outsiders.
The muzzies drew first blood and for me Iraq is simply part of the pay back. They took 2 buildings so we destroyed 2 countries.

And yes 60% of Americans are against the war now.
BUT what you need to understand is that those 60% are really just against our soldiers dying. They could care less about Iraq or its people.
The other 40% do not want to see our soldiers die either but we understand what absolutely will happen if and when we leave Iraq.
Because we understand the muzzie agenda and the muzzie mindset!

So if you or anybody else says bad things about America I will defend it because it is MINE!!!
The people in America are MY people. So when someone hurts them they hurt me, and I will seek devestating retribution for such hurts. Because I AM AN AMERICAN!!!

So fuck Islam and all muzzies they are getting exactly what they deserve!!!

Anonymous said...

loki is my favorite squaw

Anonymous said...

Do you think Loki likes being called a squaw?

Kathi said...

Thank you for the link. Our Girl Scout troop has been sending care packages, cards and letters to the troops since this all began. I think the girls would really be interested in the blanket making idea for the wounded soldiers.

Have a wonderful Christmas!


LOKI - Nana said...

Your welcome Kathi amd I think that the blanket making idea for wounded troops is an excellent idea.

I crocheted an aphgan for a wounded man a long time ago but it took me so long to finish it that he was well on the way to recovery before I got it to him.

So I haven't tried that since lol

Kathi said...

Fleece blankets are quite easy to make. They involve very little sorting. I think the girls can handle that. They have made pajamas for themselves with fleece and sewing machines and also crochet pot holders.


LOKI - Nana said...

Excellent Kathi
I wish them lots of luck and give them my thanks for anything they do for our guys!!!