Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Those who believe in evolution believe that between 2-3 million years ago prehistoric man stood up and never again walked on all fours.

The ability to walk upright and opposable thumbs enabled humans to survive and adapt and to excell in all areas. Our brains grew bigger, we began to think and reason, we developed communication skills, fine motor skills, etc... and ended up the superior beings that we are today.

However is it possible for humans to de-evolve?
Recent discoveries may point to that possiblity.

In Southern Turkey near the Syrian border lives a family of kurdish muslims.
A man married his cousin and fathered 19 children, and as we all know marrying close family members greatly increases the risk of birth defects in offspring.

13 of the children are normal but 6 are not.
These abnormal children now range from age 18 to 34. one of the male children walks with a "drunken gate". He is not drunk, he simply has a severe balance problem.
The other 5 abnormal children (4 girls and 1 boy) have, for their entire lives, walked on all fours.
Scientists believe these human quadrupeds may provide clues to how humans evolved to stand on two feet.

However working in a muslim country is tricky as muslims do not believe in evolution, and even though this entire family has been completely autrisized and are often tuanted by their neighbors, the government itself watched the researchers very carefully, even sending the military out to monitor them.
It is against the law to insult a Turk, and when reseachers made an observation that these people walked with an animal-like quality they were nearly arrested.
However the scientists did manage to study the family closely and did the tests they wanted to do.

It was discovered that these children were born with a genetic brain abnormality and Dr. Uner Tan, a neurophysiologist specializing in the functions of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, who first brought the family to the attention of scientists believes the siblings, are evolutionary throwbacks, a "missing link" to our forebears.

Neurological tests showed the children had limited inteligence, limited language skills, and limited fine motor skills, all of which are traits of very early ancestors.

MRI scans suggest the brothers and sisters have a form of cerebellar ataxia (an underdevelopment of the brain). The condition affects the brain's cerebellum, which is located at the top of the neck and is associated with balance and muscle coordination.
Yet this ataxia in itself would not explain why the siblings never found their feet.
There is documentation showing a boy with no cerebellum at all who nonetheless walks and rides a bicycle. So having a damaged cerebellum doesn't explain why these kids ended up walking on all fours.

Meanwhile German geneticists believe the siblings' genetic abnormality may have knocked out the gene responsible for bipedalism, or two-legged walking, in humans.
They are working to discover if perhaps this defective gene is infact THE gene that allows humans the ability to walk upright.

Another team of researchers, including British evolutionary psychologist Nicholas Humphrey, say the cause is twofold: the way the siblings were raised and brain damage resulting from the genetic defect.

The mother says all of her children, when they were infants, ran around on all fours before they learned to walk. Not just ordinary crawling, no these kids ran around like monkeys on their feet and hands.

The siblings' father told researchers that he didn't regard the seeming handicap as something that needed to be corrected. He has been very accepting and tolerant of his children, because he thinks it was God's will that they should walk this way.

So is this condition due to genetics, environment, or is it as the father believes "allah's will"?

I belive the muslims have always remained behind the curve in the genetic area and it makes perfect sense to me that this would go one step further and result in the actual de-evolution of their kind!
It's actually pretty funny LOL!!!


Anonymous said...

i bet all the retarded quadripeds are really good muslims too. all muslims are just a step away from this.

Anonymous said...

ha ha that is so fitting to bad it hasnt accured in more muslims yet

Anonymous said...

loki this is a good story dont know why more people havent commented on it I always enjoy reading your blog it is always interesting a little bit of everything and I really like your writing when your pissed off you know how to tell it like it is and nobody gets the better of you keep up the good work