Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Well the new year has barely started and already we are setting records.
Today the price of oil reached the $100 a barrel mark for the first time EVER!!!
When the markets finally closed, oil had gone down to $99.62 a barrel.

20 or 30 years ago there would have been rioting in the streets if oil had reached $50 a barrel, but today when it reached $100 most of us didn't even notice, and those of us who did notice managed a roll of the eyes and a shrug of the shoulders but that's about it.

Once again the U.S. national reserve say they will not dip into the national oil reserve.
I wonder what they are saving all that oil for!!!

It's not only your gas tank that is affected here....
You can expect record food prices because of the cost of the oil/gas to harvest, process, and ship food to market.
The price of oil based products such as makeup has already risen dramatically. The cost of lipstick for instance is up 7%.
Home heating cost expected to be of record highs this winter season.
Etc, etc, etc.....

Now I realize that many of you guys are "internet rich" but for the rest of us this shit is getting out of hand.

A few months ago I finally bit the bullet and traded in my beloved Suburban for a stupid little gas efficient car that I absolutely hate!!!

Also one of the pros for me moving to Vegas was to save on home heating costs but shit lately it's been down into the 30's at night here. My gas bill is as high as it was when I lived in Oklahoma!!!

You can't drink the water out of the faucet here in Vegas, well you can but it has so many minerals in it that it tastes like shit and is not exactly clear in color, so most people buy bottled water for drinking here.
Less than 2 weeks ago I paid $3.50 for a case of water.
The other day I bought water and paid $4.99 for a case.
I am told it's due to higher fuel costs!!!

Well I could go on but you get the point!!
My big question is...
Just how high can the price of everything go before we say enough is enough???


Anonymous said...

speaking of gas

excuse me

Anonymous said...

loki is right about the water in vegas it tastes like shit there

J*A*C*K said...

Double digit inflation coming soon to a place near you.

Future is now said...

Our water sucks too and i buy bottled water

Anonymous said...

The Brita Water Filtration pitcher works really good. I have shit water and when I filter it through that, it tastes like Sparklettes! Crystal clean and sweet.