Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff says violence against U.S. Border Patrol agents increased by 31% in 2007.
He interprets this increased violence as an indicator that the border is becoming more secure.
Hummmm, up violence equals more security...Yeah that sounds about right!

"In recent weeks we lost an agent who was killed because he was run over by a smuggler who was fleeing back into Mexico," said Chertoff. "That was just one example of what we're seeing increasingly."

According to Mr. Chertoff, on the U.S./Mexican border we are seeing "occasions of people shooting at agents, trying to run agents down with vehicles, throwing large rocks or pieces of brick or concrete at agents, which actually can be fatal; and we've seen some pretty serious injuries that have resulted from it.
And the levels have consistently increased."

"Just this month," he added, "the border patrol discovered a piece of wire that had been stretched across a road between a double fencing, so that it could be pulled tight and literally decapitate an agent if the agent was riding in an open vehicle like an ATV or something of that sort."

Gosh I just can't wait for the roadside bombs and Quassam rocket attacks, then America will really be fun!!!


Anonymous said...

It's ridiculous in what these govt officals will say. Saying anything to make it appear as if it's good. What they need to do is speed up building that wall and over the entire southern border. And then allow our agents to fight back and even kill them. That will get the message across to those mexican illegals. Just the other day in Minnesota...an illegal mexican hit a school bus and killed a few kids coming home from school. When is the govt going to say enough and stop this. Oh and this illegal of course didnt have a license to even operate a motor vehiele. So, he shouldnt be here in the first place and secondly he didnt have a drivers licenses. I'm getting sick and tired of reading about these incidents happening.

BTY Hillary is all for illegals in paying a fine and then over time paying back taxes and they can remain in the country and become citizens in 3 years. What the fuck is up with that? I heard her say that at the last debate she had with the muzzy candidate. What about kicking them all out. Since the very first thing they did enter america illegally was commit a federal felony. This sends a message to all illegals that it's ok to come here and no repercussions will occur. Why have laws and rules if there's no punishment for it.

LOKI - Nana said...

Yeah, McCain, Obama, and Hillary are all illegal lovers.

I am sick to death of it!!!

In Arizona yet ANOTHER border agent is going on trial for shooting an illegal.

It is fucking ridiculous!!!

LOKI - Nana said...

A U.S. blogger "The freedom Fighter Journal" who went by the ID Ronbo and who was a rabid muzzie hater has taken his own life by jumping off a building.

His reason?
Well here are his own words....

"I do this in memory of the several hundred victims on 9/11 who jumped off the World Trade Center as a means of avoiding burning to death, and the over 3,000 American soldiers killed fighting Islamofascism in Iraq and Afghanistan. A parallel reason is a protest against the American Left and the Democrat Party who have stabbed the Armed Forces in the back in the early stages of what is shaping up to be The Third World War."

His real name was Ron Barbour , he was 47 years old, and an obituary has been verified.

If you would like to read his entire suicide note

I think this is such a waste,
we need fighters, who understand exactly what we are up against, to stick around and keep on fighting!!!

Anonymous said...

lol that news thing you put on your blog is funny

Anonymous said...

I see a day when america will have all the same things going on that Israel has now

Anonymous said...

I wish I worked border patrol...

Anonymous said...

I knew Rondo from way back when he started blogging and in many ways he is like me, just tired and apathetic because we see no one doing anything but appeaseing wrong and forgetting right.
Many time the topic has been setting up watch groups that watch mosque and monitor muslims in the west for any activity that is deemed threatening, but no one would ever help or volunteer, even discussions of doing training for people with arms and in hand to hand combat to protect ourselves in the event of a muslim up rising, again no one wants to do anything.
For years we have begged our government to stops these wrongs and have warned everyone about islam and it's evils, but no one listens, this is why I no longer go to the chat rooms much, because I'm preparing in other ways and i'm keeping my guns clean and my body strong because the time for talking is over.

Islam is a danger to Women, Children,and all living things

LOKI - Nana said...

I understand and I am with you completely.

Everyone wants to be safe and free but nobody wants to stand on the front lines to make sure that happens.

The old saying "freedom isn't free" just does not register with most people.
They have become very accustom to letting the government take care of everything and have become very lazy in the process.

I don't hardly ever go into the chatrooms anymore because the plot has pretty much been lost.

Even the blogs are only popular IF chat drama is the order of the day.

But I will continue doing what I do in real life and on this blog because those of us who understand the true nature of what's at stake have to keep the fight going.
I truely do consider myself a warrior for the cause.

I am sad that we lost a great warrior for the cause, especially since the media would NEVER have the balls to let people know the true reasons behind his actions.
He will simply be another "nutjob" who had mental problems and killed himself.