Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Mad that the mohamhead cartoons were recently reprinted, muzzies once again show the true colors of Islam.
These are not the "bad terrorists" we are constantly being told are the only bad people in Islam.
Nope, these are the "peace loving, tolerant, moderate, ordinary" muzzies living in Britian.

Pay attention to what they say, for it is not only Denmark they are mad at, hell no they want to completely destroy Europe and of course the U.S.A too!!!
(I guess it's the ol' "kill everyone for what Denmark did" sharia law.)

You will even hear them say how they want to destroy Denmark and "take their women as war booty".
Sex slaves you say???....Oh surely not in Islam!!!

One muzzie says that they are using their "right to free speech" with this protest, which is ironic considering the whole purpose of their protest was to say that the non-muzzie Danes have no rights to free speech at all.
I guess if it works FOR THEM than free speech ain't all that bad.... right!!!
Can we say "hypocrit"??

11 mins, 23 secs long

Muzzies CAN insult us, our beliefs, our Messiah, our culture, and anything else they choose to, BUT we are NEVER EVER allowed to insult them in any way shape or form because if we do we face death!!!
This is the belief of ALL muzzies!!!
This is their definition of "freedom".


Anonymous said...

4 minutes and 19 seconds for me


loki said...

Yeah you dont have to watch long to get the message they are sending.

LOKI - Nana said...

You know what lol
I just realized that I put the wrong video up lol