Saturday, March 1, 2008


Tired of the government wasting your tax dollars on pork barrel spending and pet projects?
Would you at least like to be informed of what they are spending your tax dollars on?

There is now a site where you can do just that.
However if Democrats get their way it won't be around for long!

House Republicans had asked the house democrats to join them in supporting an immediate moratorium on all earmarks while a bipartisan select committee identifies ways to bring fundamental change to the way in which Washington spends taxpayers’money.
The Democrats answer...No Thanks!!!

So in spite of the Democrats’ refusal to change the way Washington spends taxpayer dollars, the republicans took a novel approach...let the citizens know who is spending their money and what they are spending it on.

To this end on Febuary 12, 2008 House Republicans announced that their new Web site would serve as a hub for news and information regarding House GOP efforts to hold Democrats to their earmark-reform promises.

But nine days later, on Feb. 21, House Republican Leader John Boehner (Ohio) was told the Web site ( must be shut down and moved to a different location with a different domain name.

As of today the house Republican leader John Boehner is refusing to shut down the site, we'll see how long it lasts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Earmarks are the biggest scam in govt. Once a person in congress (House of Reps or Senate)gives money for a project to whichever local govt or organization. That local govt or organization can give it to whomever or whatever without reporting where that money went. Essentially there is NO oversight when the money is initially given away. And believe me these house of reps and senators give out millions each per year for projects and then the money is re-distributed without knowing what that money is being used for. Earmarks need to be abolished ALL together. If all the politicians are serious when they state, we need less govt and less govt spending. Start with the earmark program and we will save billions per year.

One democratic congressman gave $12 million earmark to fund a federal tea house collection to then have it displayed for the public. Well, this tea house never came about and no one knows where the $12M went to.