Thursday, May 8, 2008


Cyclone (hurricane) hits Myanmar (Burma)
Crappy government didn't warn it's people that the storm was coming even though they had been notified well in advance by multiple sources.
23,000 confirmed dead
42,000 missing
Estimates say 100,000 dead before this is over.
Water supplies cut off or contaminated
Food in very short supply
Crappy government slowing or even stopping, in the case of the U.S., the delivery of aide.
Gas being sold for over $10 a gallon in some places
95% of ALL the buildings in the delta region completely destroyed
2,000 square miles still underwater
At least 1 MILLION people left homeless
and the crappy government, who has made of habit of being very visible and in everybody's business, is now pretty much absent from their people
and quiet - except for when they are refusing humanitarian aide of course.
As of this moment they have allowed only one plane to fly in, it was a UN world food program plane carrying 7,000 pounds of biscuits.......
Oh yeah!!! they gonna eat good tonight!!!!

Absolute and utter devastation!!!

Does this sound like one of those "catastrophies"???
9-11 - almost 3,000 dead
The tsunami - at least 230,000 dead
Katrina - 1,836 dead
and now this....
Sure has been alot of them there "catastrophies" going on in the last few years!!!
What say you Chicken Little?


Anonymous said...

Hey Lover....let's not forget the volcano in Chile ...which scientists see no end in sight for the eruption. Recent seismic activity in areas that don't normally see it....Illinois and Nevada. The sky might not be falling....but the ground sure is shaking. ;)

loki said...

Yeah and the tornados seem to be running amuck lately too lol

Bang, Bang!!!

Anonymous said...

Hold me loki im scared