Sunday, May 11, 2008



Anonymous said...

loki baby I would wish you happy mothers day but you just wont be still long enough for us to make any babies
lol love you anyway

loki said...

lol shut the hell up ya lil freak lol

Anonymous said...

Have a happy Mother's Day and watch out for falling objects.

loki said...

I always wear my aluminum foil hat.
It keeps all the bad things away

And thanks but I am not a mommy, so this is not my day

Kathi said...

Happy Loki Day!


Terry¨*♥ ♥**♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ said...

hey girl, thought i'd come over to your side of the tracks....hehehe whatcha doin ole crumb

tommy_g_95376 said...

I heard the Muslim nen got Pink Suicide Vests for there slaves...I mean wives for Mothers Day

loki said...

I love Happy Loki Days!!!!!


loki said...

lol Saltine,
Everyone loves it on my side of the tracks...we may be crumbs but we ritz crumbs and that's better than plain ol' saltines anyday!

**sticks tongue out at the saltine**


loki said...

I mean what else would they give their wives lol

May they all be blown up by next Mother's Day!!!