Sunday, May 18, 2008


I have often talked about how I believe we are on the cusp of world changing events.
Some have made a little fun of me, which I don't really mind because it is better to laugh than cry.

But I am not the only one who feels the coming of the great fall......
Even governments are preparing.....

Recently the government of Norway opened a vault in antartica to... "store, protect, and preserve MILLIONS of seeds from all over the world just incase of a global catastrophy".

It has also been reported (although they are trying to keep it quiet) that the Norwegian government is building quite a few underground shelters that when done will hold approx 2 million people.
When confronted about this and asked why they are building these shelters, they simply reply..."just incase anything happens"
When asked when they hope to be finished building all the shelters they reply..."by 2012".

Wow I wonder why they would need to be finished by 2012.
Very strange indeed.

BTW, the population of Norway is almost 5 million people so apparently if anything "happens" they have no intention of saving all their people.
I guess the spots will be reserved for the "special people" like politicians, doctors, scientists, girls of good breeding age, etc.... and fuck the rest!!!


Anonymous said...

What NOrway isn doing is nothing new or special. Many nations have been doing this and upgrading it since the end of WW2. Can't believe you buy into this crap of 2012. So the calender suddenly ended. Could be several reason it the mayans suddenly stopped preparing it. Doesn't signify that something terrible happened. Just too many alarmist and paranoid people out there. Read a history book sometime. During all time spans to current date. People believed due to the circumstances that end times was coming or due soon. And what ended up happening....nothing. And a lot of horrific things have happened in the past and by those time span standards too.

Anonymous said...

Well ...2012...would also coincide with the end of osama obama/hitlery's first term as president. Given what Hier Klintler did in 8 years as dictator, 4 years of either of those 2 will certainly mean the end of the world as we know it. In 8 years of Klintler china built it's military to near superpower status, with his help I might add. If we get either of those 2 demoncrats in office and have a demoncrat controlled congress, one of the first things they will do is pass sweeping gun control legislation. Even though there are many other things more important to the country than guns, it's on the top of the list for the far left to disarm citizens. Due to both parties refusal to shut down our borders, in 4 years of a demoncrat dictatorship, there will certainly be terrorist cells in the US that will have a dirty bomb or some other form of WMD that will devestate several US cities. Even if the world doesn't come to an end in 2012, I don't see much hope for a future for the US given the current political situation here. If osama obama gets in, watch out, all you have to do is look around the country and see where knuckledraggers are in charge to see that the country will go to shit. New Orleans is a prime example. Enough of doom and gloom for today. Keep your powder dry and pray......Bang Bang Morgon ;)

SweetLady_Tiger said...

In Revelations it says that in the end times as God pours out his judement on the earth that people will flee to the caves (or under ground) and beg for the rocks to fall on them.'s startng to sound real familiar, isn't it?

I agree that if Obama gets into office our country is doomed. What Clinton didn't destroy in his 8 years, Obama will finish off during his term.

Keep your powder dry and be ready! That is all I can say.

loki said...

The Mayan calander thing is just a tiny little piece of the puzzle here.

There are countless things that point to the fact that something is indeed coming.
I find it quite plausible that we ourselves are coming to a point of SELF extermination.
God does not need to do a fucking thing!!!

The world is far more dangerous than at any other time in the history of mankind.

The earth is in crisis and she herself may soon say enough is enough.

At the rate humans are going with global population growth, loss of natural resources, global warming, etc, etc... how can anyone NOT believe we are spiraling out of control!!

You may think me silly but at least I am thinking about the human impact on this planet, unlike others who just don't give a shit and who plan to "ride the tide" as far as it will take them.

If everyone thought like I do I believe we would be trying alot harder to lessen the destructive impact we have on this planet.

And Glock,
Yes our government spends ALOT of time "working" on problems that don't even exist while at the same time doing nothing about things that actually need to be fixed!!

Yeah alot of things are ringing very familiar lately!!!

Anonymous said...

Well Loki....just recently they passed some sort of legislation putting the polar bear on the endangered species list. I read where one of the leftist greenies said(paraphrasing) "this opens the door for us to enact sweeping global warming legislation". Instead of doing the logical thing in dealing with oil prices, drilling more for our own oil, I believe the far left will try and enact legislation that will cripple our economy. This is just one of the things I see coming from the next 4 years. I went to a gun show today. I don't believe in 4 years I'll be able to do that. One of the more disturbing things I saw at the gun show was a bunch of wetbacks...of course gibberring in mexican. The government will not do anything to keep these illegals out of our country and they are acquiring weapons. In four years of an obama/hitlery term with a demoncratic congress, imagine how many more illegal aliens will be here. Crime is already getting out of hand and of course the liberal will do thier feel good legislation of more gun control,which has been statistically proven not to work. My suggestion to protect those of us in "fly over country" aka red states is to...ban together and secede from the union and form a new government. It is quickly coming that 7 states will elect a president due to the electoral college and the rest of the 43 states will just have to live with it. I would love to be more optimistic about our future but it's not in the cards.

loki said...

I completely agree Glock.

I had a college professor tell me once that..regarding the electorial college... these are a few hundred people who are SUPPOSED to vote the way there state, county, district WHATEVER in the majority... however they can actually vote any damn well they please
So think about many electorial votes are there??
400 and something....and those very few people actually decide the presidency.

We have all been scammed. We think we the people decide but that's really not true in the end!!!

Who are these electorial college voters??
Have any of you ever met one or seen one talking on the tv news??
How would one apply for that job??
What are the qualifications required to be part of the electorial college??

Anonymous said...

Loki you are paranoid and when you research I suggest you dig a lot lot deeper and go to the source. First of all do you even know why the electorial was even created and why it's in existence? As for global warming...who says it's a bad humans. The planet has gone through several global warming process for apparent reasons. In fact new reports came out that humans aren't even affecting the natural cycle of global warming by more than 1%. Without the college electorial vote you have canadiates that would entire neglect campaigning in almost 2/3 of the states in american. As for the norway seed storage. Norway Owns the vault. But, renting space nations to hold seeds for them....and only as a redundent system which govts are notorious for doing. Yet doom sayers take it way beyond.

And I can point out in history in which times were much worse off then present date. That reflected to world was going to doom. As for god....prove their even one exist. Religion is the biggest hoax of all time. Meant to control the masses since govts and high powered ppl know they can't control ppl via violent means.

loki said...

Well ok...

Yes I do know why the electorial college was established!!!
Back in the day when the best mode of transportation was a horse, it was decided that each town or community would vote and decide which candidate they wanted...they would then select one member from that community to go and represent them to cast the communities vote.
It was easier to send one man then to get everyone to the state capitols in order to vote.
The electorial college is an out of date, no longer needed, antiquated process, and yet we still cling to it...why??

As far as global warming has to be completely blind to not see the horrendous impact we have had and do have on this planet.
Of course there are those who disagree with it..however those who do deny global warming are riding other agendas.
Now you say we humans are the only ones bitching about global warming...who else could bitch about it???? the animals???

In the end it really does NOT matter if we humans are causing the global warming or if it's a natural proicess that occurs every so often... the fact is that it IS occuring..and humans WILL be tremendously affected by it!!!
So it is logical that we prepare for it and do as much as we can to make sure we are not hurrying it along

As for God, I don't really see what that has to do with anything.
I did not bring God into it...infact I firmly believe that EVERYTHING that is happening is solely the fault of man.

Religion as an institution is completely bogus.
It has been used to control the masses and to impose the will of the a certain few.

However that has nothing to do with whether or not God actually exists.
On this matter all I can say is that I sure hope God exists, otherwise centuries have been wasted and billions of lives have been lost fighting for the cause of NOTHING.
On the other hand if there is a God..I personally am extremely pissed at him for allowing things to go on the way they have throughout the history of mankind.

When things are broken we should fix them..if we do not fix them then we deserve whatever we get whether it be from God or from nature herself.

I cherish mother earth and SHE IS SICK...she is bleeding and she is in agony!!!
I believe she will heal herself in a very violent way and she will NOT care about the safety of humans when she does.

When anyone goes against the grain they are labeled "paranoid".
I believe in the end the "paranoid" ones will be the only ones with a chance at survival because they are the ONLY ones who are preparing!!!

So I guess it comes down do it your way and I will do it mine, and in the end I guess we'll see who was right now won't we??