Friday, June 6, 2008


There has been an outcry in Belgium over a proposal to convert little-used churches into mosques.

A senior official in Antwerp argues too many of the city's churches stand empty most of the time and he has put forward suggestions to convert them into mosques to benefit the city's large Muslim population.
Philip Heylen, who is deputy-mayor, says he wants to "break the taboo" over the future of the city's churches, many of which have dwindling and ageing congregations.
He says:
"It's a looming issue yet it seems impossible to have a debate about this, churches were built as places of worship and they should not be used as shopping malls. We've approached various religious groups and had a positive response from members of the Muslim community, which is open to the idea of converting them."
He adds "The proposal would allow Antwerp's Muslims to have a proper place of worship, instead of gathering in garages or private houses, as is often the case now".

But Mr Heylen's comments have sparked opposition.
Many of the city's priests insist that their churches fulfil an important function, even if they attract few worshippers.
The Bishops are angered that they were not even consulted before the proposal was announced.

And one local resident says flatly:
"Frankly we already have more than enough mosques here. We would be better off turning the churches into sports-halls".

Yes, I too would much rather see footballs thrown around in those churches than to see muzzie asses stuck up in the air in them...They can just stay in their fucking garages!!!


Anonymous said...

I would rather tear down the churches and put up parking lots then let the muslims have it

J*A*C*K said...

We have a shit house we would like to sell. Would make a great mini mosque.

Anonymous said...

muzzies always want this or that. the fuckers aren't even creative enough to innovate on their own. they either demand and want shit handed to them. or the rich ones simply buy it. there is NOTHING muslims have contributed to humanity that has benefitted the world. all they've done is cause mayhem and destruction. time to put these muzzies out for good.

Anonymous said...

muslims are scum and the infidel women ( or so called infidel women) talk to them all the time

so who's the scum bags?? both right???

loki said...

Anonymous 3:39,
I couldn't agree more!!!

Anonymous 11:21,