Saturday, June 21, 2008


Obama, whose arrogance is apparently getting the better of him these days, revealed a new rather presidential looking seal yesterday.

Here you can compare them for yourself..........

Click on photo to enlarge it.

The problem with this, other than the absolutely smug arrogance of course, is the fact that there is a law (18 USC 708) against using the presidential seal, or any facsimile thereof, without the express consent of Congress, and one can get a fine of $250 or 6 months in prison, or both, for doing so.
This law has been in effect since 1936. I guess the Senator is not up on his laws.

Even when the 1st Bush was running for re-election, he tried using the presidential seal on the campaign trail and was made to stop because of this law. And he WAS actually the president at the time.

I guess Obama #1- thinks he has this election in the bag, and #2- thinks he can just do any damn thing he pleases along the way.

Note the latin above the eagle on Obama's seal
"vero possumus" which translates as, "yes we can"

I wonder if anyone in law enforcement will make him stop using his new "seal"
My guess is that they will not because if they do they just might be accused of picking on the black man!!!

GOD this fucker makes me sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The presidential seal is used as a presidential insignia on White House documents, objects, and staff clothing.
A copy in plaster or papier-mache always adorns the lecterns from which the President makes public addresses.

Yesterday Obama placed his new "seal" on the lecturn from which he made a public address. Apparently he truely does believe he is already the 44th President of these United States.
What other group of people do we know who so openly express such delusional arrogance???
Obama is more like his muzzie daddy than he knows!!!


Anonymous said...

Well, from my previous comments I made about Obama in the thread below this one. I think you know where I stand regarding Obama and his arrogancy. He truly believes he knows what's best for america. And his constant BS slogan America wants Change. Well, we are prepetually changing, regardless of who the administration is sitting in office. As the world landscape keeps do we. It's why we're advancing and moving forward. How people buy into Obama's BS is beyond me. How can the people not see through him, when he's so transparent when he speaks. If people listen to the earlier speeches Hitler said. He did the same rhetoric Obama is using today. And then once Hitler gained power things did a complete 180. Are people that stupid not to learn from history.

Look at the European make-up. Things over there, especially in the UK and France are out of control. And many of their govt officals are in denial and don't want to open their eyes. And the few elected officals who voice their concerns are regarded as alarmist. How ridiculous is that, when you just need to see the actions of what islam is doing. Yet, these people believe islam is nice because they simply say so. Without a doubt in this writers opinion, we will be embarking upon WW3 within the very near future. And it will be fought initially in the middle east and the spew over into europe. Due to so many muzzies in europe they will see an opportunity to take up against the non-muslims. And then we have war on two fronts. Personally, sooner this occurs the better. No, I don't want anykind of war. But, when something is so immenient. Might as well get it going so it ends sooner. And if it started now, the enemy within...muslims. Are still not strong enough to make that all out stand. If they were they would've started this conflict or escalated it a long time ago. And when this happens what is Obama going to do about, provided he's in office. That's a scary thought to think about. At least with McCain you know he will defend what is ours. And he believes in winning wars and not giving into what polls say.

loki said...

It may seem hard to see for some people but I do believe with all my heart that we ARE already fighting WW3.

If we do not get behind this thing 1000% we WILL lose everything!!!
I for one do not intend to just sit back and let that happen.

I would rather die fighting than die defeated.

And you are right the muzzies know they are not yet strong enough to wage an all out war....but through the pandering of politicians in Europe and even here they grow more emboldened every day.

In the meantime they wreak havoc everywhere they are, and our own governments protect them and make excuses for them and little by little take away our voices of decent.

I am absolutely amazed at how little true brits are allowed to do while at the same time the muzzies seem to be able to say and threaten and do whatever they want.
I believe it is already to late for Britian, they have sold their collective souls.

We can not stand by and wait for the same thing to happen here in the US.

I believe Obama is the most dangerous enemy within at present time.
I see deceit in his eyes and I get a great sense of forboding when ever I look at him.

Anonymous said...

can anyone say "anti christ?"

LOKI - Nana said...

Obama's new "seal" disappeared as fast as it had appeared in the first place.

When asked about it, his people said it was meant to be used just the one day for just the one event.

LMFAO...yeah I bet!!!!!!