Monday, July 28, 2008


Well guys I am out of here until September.
I have vacation time and other important things to do.

However I leave you with this.........

Ten thousand young men and women come home from Iraq, Afghanistan, and other zones of conflict every month.
They've served our country well, and have made sacrifices - of health, of family, of livelihood - that most of us will never have to make.

NOW IT'S OUR TURN to step up to the plate and GIVE.

The players and owners of Major League Baseball have contributed their time and resources to help returning soldiers and their families through Welcome Back Veterans. Now it's up to us to join the effort and do our part by giving generously.

So please go to......

and show your love!!!

Our precious troops have given so very much for us, surely we can give just a little back to them!!!

See you all in September!!!

A FEW FINAL THOUGHTS......................


Terry¨*♥ ♥**♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ said...

nooooooooooooo crumb. sniff sniff

Unknown said...

This site is very ill-informed and racists. Just thought you should know.

Unknown said...

just goes to show you that anonymity can be a bad thing in the wrong hands as I'm sure you that most of the stuff that is said on here would never be said in the presence of the offending people. Keep up the good work. You bunch of backwater, hick, inbred, hate-mongering fudge packing cracker ass crackers.

Future is now said...

Fuck off bob, you don't like what is here then don't come here.

Fuck islam!!

Anonymous said...

See Bob fuck himself at

Future is now said...

So when are you coming back?

J*A*C*K said...

I was wondering the same thing myself. Would you like starch with that? Thank you and cum again.