Saturday, September 27, 2008


The US government is now seeking the largest bailout in US history ($700 BILLION) for Wall Street Financial Markets.
This money of course will come out of YOUR pockets.
We the people will end up paying dearly for their corruption, greed, and ineptness.
Oh yes, we are screwed!!!

On the other hand, here is an example of what the financial market movers and shakers who made this whole mess in the first place are getting.............

International banking institution "Washington Mutual" (WaMu) has gone under.
All of their assets have been sold off to JP Morgan for $1.9 Billion.

The CEO of WaMu, who was only on the job for 3 weeks before WaMu went to hell, will receive a severance package of somewhere between $13-18 MILLION dollars.

For only 3 weeks of work!!!!!.......... WOW!!!

YOU will lose money, but this guy just made a fucking fortune.
Fair????...............I think not!!!!

And could this be a PERFECT example of why the Banking Industry and Corporate America are in such a crisis now???
Yeah, I think so!!!!

Corporate America, US Financial institutions, and Wall Street have created this financial catastrophy and the American tax payer should NOT have to bail them out now.
Let them fall, let them burn, fuck them all!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Loki isn't it criminal or at least it should be when a CEO like WaMu will get that kind of exit package. It's unbelievable. If anything the company should prorate that amount which still would be a hefty amount. And these incentive with private comps needs to stop. They should get a reasonable bonus based on performance only. I do agree to some extent that you need to pay upper upper management well since you want to attract the best and brighest talent out there. But, not at the fees they're getting. And now Wachivoa is looking at going under or has many suitors to buy them out. If they arent bought out then they go under too. Whereas WaMu was taken over by the govt. What a mess is all I can say about this. And if the govt is going to use our money then they need to guarantee it our money if it's lost.

Why doesnt the govt just tell the central bank another charter entity of the usa govt but not in the govt. To print up more money and then the usa govt is charged interest and leave our money alone for now. Our Central Bank and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve are just like what Freddie and Fanny are like. So they central bank needs to be watched too. Since it's a private comp. but annexed or charted to the federal govt.

Anonymous said...

Damn I gotta get me one of them kind of jobs