Saturday, November 8, 2008


Campaign promises are very often simply empty stage dressing used in order to get one elected.
And as so many of us predicted, Barrack Hussien Obama's campaign promises are already starting to unravel...and he hasn't even moved into the oval office yet!!!

For 2 years Obama said we needed tax reform RIGHT NOW, said it could not wait, and said that he knew exactly what should be done in order to fix America's economic crisis.
Now however he says that in the weeks and months after he takes office he will look into the problem and study it, and try to come up with something that will work.

On the campaign trail Obama said he would be happy to talk to the Iranian President "without any preconditions".
Now however he says that approaching & dealing with Iran is not something that should be done in a "knee-jerk fashion".

For 2 years Obama proclaimed that he would pull the troops out of Iraq 90 days after taking office.
Now he says troops should come out of Iraq "as soon as it is safe to do so".
Wait a minute....Isn't that what Bush has been saying??

It appears the "yes we can" man may not be quite as capable as he projected himself to be.

I personally can not wait to hear the liberal spin machine having to explain why things are not going to be the way the great "messiah" proclaimed that they would be.

I wonder what "CHANGE" we will hear from him tomorrow!!!

Obama's illegal alien aunt(on his muzzie father's side of the family) says she will fight deportation orders and will stay in the US.
She was ordered deported back to Kenya in 2004...funny how we just heard about it a couple of weeks ago.

As for comments by Obama regarding his aunt's case......well naturally he said the same thing he ALWAYS says.
He "didn't know" about her illegal status!!

Funny how he doesn't know a hell of a lot of things ain't it!!!


Unlawful_Sign said...

Q: How do you keep niggers out of the back yard?

A: hang one in the front.

Q: what do you call 1 white man surrounder by niggers?

A: Warden

Q: What do you call a black man in 3 piece suit?

A: The accused

Q: what's black and white and red all over?

A: A nigger and a sea gull fighting over a carp.

Q: why don't black people take asprins?

A: they don't wanna pick the cotton outta the bottle.

Unlawful_Sign said...

I'm sorry was that racist?

Anonymous said...

Ask your mama.

Anonymous said...

Sign's mama wears steel toe combat boots.

loki said...

Well that is the best kind of boots to wear ya know!

Anonymous said...

You are right, Sarah. See any Russians in your back yard?

loki said...

No but I do see assholes all over the place!!

loki said...

No but I do see assholes all over the place!!

Does that count??

Anonymous said...

I see you too, sweet cheeks.