Thursday, September 27, 2007


In Malaysia, a muslim woman was sentenced to 6 months in jail for attempting to cut off her muslim husband's penis.

The story goes......the couple had been married for 17 years and then the man married another woman (in Malaysia muslim men are allowed to have up to 4 wives at a time), he then made a remark about the new wife being better in bed then the first wife was, so the first wife took a knife and tried to cut his dick off.

The man drove himself to the hospital on a motorcycle
(ouch that had to hurt), where he received 11 stitches to fix his pecker.

I guess that'll teach him...LOL

I must say that I am very surprised the woman only got 6 months.....I would have expected her to be sentenced to death being as that muzzies were involved.

What say you?


Anonymous said...

Salami Asslikum

Has anyone seen my penis?


Anonymous said...

I think Tammy has it.

Anonymous said...

Id like to cut off a muzzies dick

LOKI - Nana said...

lol leave tammy alone!
She is not used to you yahoos!!

Anonymous said...

Mutilation or forcible removal of the penis has special symbolic significance. As a symbol of male sexuality, fertility, masculinity, and, some feel, male aggression, the removal of the penis may be inspired by a desire to emasculate, and sometimes results in the emasculation of, the victim. Another motive, particularly in cases of spousal assault, is obviously sexual.

Anonymous said...

chop plop

Anonymous said...

good for her, too bad she didn't get it all the way off.

Anonymous said...

My weiner has anybody seen my weiner?

Anonymous said...

Did you look in your boyfriend's ass?

Anonymous said...

This is so funny...i think he deserved it. Nice blog!

Anonymous said...

LMAO.Too funny !!!!