Monday, September 24, 2007


After 20+ years of knowing about AIDS/HIV and how it is passed around, should we still have to be so God damned politically correct as to never hold the carriers responsible for their own situation??

I mean come on, considering the diseases that exist in the world today AIDS is one of the most preventable if people would only take a few very simple steps to protect themselves, and yet the aids epidemic continues to spread.

These steps are...........

#1 - if you have to be a junky, DON"T use someone elses needles.

#2 - if you have to sleep with every Tom, Dick, & Mary, at least wear a condom.

#3 - if you do have AIDS/HIV, DON"T get pregnant!!

#4 - The final thing that needs to be done is to make sure that ALL blood products are ALWAYS PROPERLY tested when collected from individuals!We know how to do this so it just boggles my mind that tainted products continue to slip through.

These 4 very simple steps would pretty much wipe out the AIDS/HIV virus from the planet.

The first 3 steps are totally up to each one of us, and if you choose not to take these steps should I have to feel sorry for you???

The last step is something we should really get down on our government & our high priced medical system for.
The medical establishment makes mega bucks by charging us out the ass for every little thing, so the least we should expect from them is that they actually do their job, and one of their jobs is to make sure the blood products that they give us are safe.
And the government should make damn sure that they do that!

What say you?


Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should define "feel sorry".

Anonymous said...

You are right about the ways to prevent aids but I still feel sorry for the people who get it

Anonymous said...

my sister has hiv, she got it from a fucking junky who she attended to when she was a paramedic
he was beaten up and bloody and attacked her and her partner with a knife and apparently his blood got into her wound and she ended up with hiv and no job
so in a way I understand what your saying but on the other hand you fucking piss me off because you should feel sorry for people like my sister

LOKI - Nana said...

I am so sorry for your sister and in no way do I lump her in with the average aids carrier.

If that stupid junky had been using clean needles maybe your sister would not be dealing with this now.

I wish your sister well and thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Morgon thanks for letting me know about your blog as usual your a little controversial but thats why we love you
dont forget about next weekend
whoop whoop lol

LOKI - Nana said...

Hey Tammy glad ya came,
and yes I am sooo excited, but shush about the real life stuff around here, there are great whites circling all around us.

I'll call ya, whoop whoop!!!

Anonymous said...

Do you feel sorry for the baby born with AIDS/HIV?

J*A*C*K said...

From Nuke's blog....

SweetLady_Tiger said...
Freedom of Speech is a 1st Amendment right of the Constitution, part of the Bill of Rights for citizens of the United States of America; not for foreign terrorist dictators. This outcry from liberals that allowing this evil man to speak at Columbia University was just to show that we allow Freedom of Speech is totally bogus as this killer of Americans is not a citizen of the USA. To allow this Islamic Animal on USA ground for any reason other than to arrest him for the murder of US citizen is crazy and it makes me question what is wrong with our government that they are betraying us like this. All this Political Correct Liberal crap has taken over and I fear for the future of our Country.

9:46 AM
I think she makes a good point about "political correct".

Anonymous said...

I agree. Always so blunt! :)

LOKI - Nana said...

Anonymous said...
Do you feel sorry for the baby born with AIDS/HIV?

Of course I feel very sorry for babies born with aids,
thats why women with aids should NOT get pregnant!!

LOKI - Nana said...

I totally agree with what Tiger said.

Another thought is that IF the US government was going to let Ama-dena-freak speak they should have at least told him that speaking to the US people was on condition that his country release the American hostages they are holding right now!

Anonymous said...

There are more important things to worry about

Anonymous said...

if fags would stop being so faggy that would help to

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
There are more important things to worry about

September 25, 2007 12:49 PM
Such as...........??

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog the last few days. I'm not sure why i'm drawn to it. I like the fact that you are using your right to free speech, even if I don't always agree with what you have to say.

LOKI - Nana said...

and your differing opinions are always welcome here

Anonymous said...

You are right...HIV is preventable. But I do disagree about the pregnancy comment. There is no reason HIV+ women shouldn't get pregnant. There are ways to assure baby won't be infected and if mom is in care she will probably die of something other than HIV 20 to 30 years from now. careful not to generalize who gets HIV. I am an HIV nurse....have been for the last 10 years and believe me anyone can get, grandmothers, professors, etc....not just those groups you mention. are is totally preventable.....

Anonymous said...

Tigers comments were good. But she forgets that any nation who is a member with the UN. Signed a treated allowing them to come to th UN only to address the UN. As for Ahmadinejad he shouldn't have been invited in the first place. But, the government cannot tell a private school who they can have or cant have as a guest. And by arresting the iranian president would just cause more problems. Again, Ahmadinejad came initially for the general assembly at the UN. And there is nothing we can do about that. If americans don't want some ppl here who are members or presentatives of nations in the UN. Then we need to move the UN headquarters off our soil.