Saturday, September 22, 2007


I am Veritas (truth) and I have alot of questions and opinions that I will be putting forth for discussion.....Let's start with this.

In general I don't care if people are gay or not, however what really bothers me is the fact that these days I don't appear to have a choice!!

It seems that the politically correct assholes of America are trying to shove it down our throats, and in no uncertain terms, are telling us that we HAVE to love faggots and we HAVE to accept them.

They are even grabbing our children, in schools, at a very young age, and teaching them that being gay is totally normal.

The way I see it, as long as I cause no harm I should be able to feel however I want to and it is my right to teach my children the values I wish them to have.
How dare the politically correct assholes take that away from me!!!

I am an American, and should have the freedom to make up my own mind about things, but in todays America it is not politically correct to be a free thinker.

What say you?


Anonymous said...

Amen, amen, amen.

I am sick of being spoon fed my beliefs.
We are being force fed liberal nutjob beliefs, and it has gotten to the point that if you dare to disagree you a called a bigot or a racist.

Anonymous said...

you are a racist and a bigot

Anonymous said...

We should all learn to get along together.
Didn't they teach you that in kindergarten?

Anonymous said...

I hate faggots and I aint changing my mind no matter what anybody says

Anonymous said...

Hi Loki... I mean Veritas

You have the right to your opinion about gays and I have the right to be gay.

Why did you change your name?

Anonymous said...

I love gay people but i'm not a liberal nutjob. I do think it is normal to be gay. You can't change who you are and they can't change who they are. You have a right to your opinion though.

LOKI - Nana said...

gay lightning said...
Hi Loki... I mean Veritas

Why did you change your name?

I didn't change my name (I will ALWAYS be the Loki) I simply wanted a title that fit the theme of this blog.

Veritas is the latin word for truth.

Ya like it??

Anonymous said...

loki baby, come sit by me and Ill protect you from all those fag boys

Anonymous said...

I love getting ahold of those tight little asses and riding them like a wild pig it cant be wrong when it feels so good.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
We should all learn to get along together.
Didn't they teach you that in kindergarten?

September 22, 2007 3:45 PM
I flunked kindergarten.

Anonymous said...

I understand your point and I agree.
In Todays society we are being force feed the gay agenda and frankly I'm sick of it, if anyone wants to be gay, be gay but stay out of my business and I'll stay out of yours. No one should be forced to have to believe in something they believe is immoral and wrong and I won't force you to believe my ways, but stay away from my children and allow them to make up thier own minds, and stop telling them they are not normal for not wanting to be gay like you are doing to kids today.
Anyways as things stand I can see in the not to distint future Schools will have to start teaching people that it's ok to accept Hetrosexuals, because it's no secret homosexuals hate hetrosexuals.


LOKI - Nana said...

Exactly lowglow,

I could care less if a person is gay or not as long as they leave me alone, but I am sick and tired of people trying to make me feel like I am the abnormal one because I don't agree with homosexuality.

But if I say that I believe homosexuality is wrong I am labeled either a bigot or a religious nut!

It's rediculous!!

Anonymous said...

i dont really care about anyones sex life other than my own. i really dont want to hear about it.