Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Illegal immigrants can not vote however they are counted in the census.
This means that congressional seats can be gained by states who choose NOT to enforce immigration laws.

Whereas, states who DO try to enforce immigration laws, by arresting and deporting illegal immigrants, stand to lose congressional seats.

Which is exactly why Democratic Senator Batbara Boxer, of California, is trying to pass a law limiting the number of raids that I.C.E. can carry out.
In recent weeks California I.C.E. agents have arrested over 1,300 illegals, mostly Mexicans, and most of them with past criminal records.
But I guess Ms. Boxer isn't happy with safer streets, because to her more congressional seats is the most important thing!

Another issue being raised right now is whether or not illegal aliens should receive driver's licenses.
Now if states like New York pass a law that will give illegals the right to obtain licenses...these illegal aliens WILL be able to vote.
How you ask?
Well when you go to vote, you have to check a little box stating that you are a US citizen and you have to show a valid ID.
So think about it, illegal aliens simply have to check the little box "yes", show their driver's license and
VOILA!!!......voting can begin!!!



J*A*C*K said...

This country (USA) is becoming more divided all the time. Everyone seems to have their own agenda and America be damed. Meanwhile the barbarians (muslims, mecicans etc.) are knocking on and coming in the back door. This reminds me of the begining of the fall of the Roman Empire.

J*A*C*K said...

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

-John F. Kennedy 1/20/1961-

Anonymous said...

It amazes me that we just keep on electing the same old bastards election after election and then expect things to change and get better.

The definition of insanity is
to repeat the same behavior over and over again, expecting a new result.

we have to take some of the responsibility for the way things are because we allowed things to become this way.

Anonymous said...

the older I get and the more I pay attention the more afraid I become

Anonymous said...

well thats fucked up! Did you know when i visited Mexico awhile back...all i had to do is show my id to come back across the boarder...Imagine what they will be able to do once they can get id's!

Anonymous said...