Friday, October 12, 2007


This story is about Jose Medellin, a Mexican national, and one of the defendants who was convicted and sentenced to death for taking part in the brutal rape and murder of two teenage girls.
14-year-old Jennifer Ertman and 16-year-old Elizabeth Pena were viciously gang-raped by 5 men and then strangled to death in 1993 in Texas.

Shockingly President Bush wants to stop the execution of this man, and on Wednesday the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments over the death penalty conviction of this illegal alien from Mexico.

By the way, the other four convicted gang members in this case were
Medellin's 14-year-old brother at the time, who was sentenced to 40 years. Two others who received life sentences and one other gang member who was already executed last July.

Well Medellin's lawyers claim he was not told of his right under the Vienna Convention to contact the Mexican consulate upon arrest and so Mexico sued the United States in the International Court of Justice, which sided with Mexico.

Then, in 2005, President Bush stepped in, ordering Texas courts to grant new hearings for Medellin and other Mexicans on Death Row.
Now lets not forget that Bush over saw 150 executions while he was governor of Texas and never interfered in any of them.

So at issue for the US Supreme Court is, state's rights versus federal authority, and international ruling versus domestic law.

Many US lawmakers vigorously oppose the world court meddling in this vicious Texas rape and murder case and resent President Bush and his administration's intrusion.
The outcome of this decision will impact not only Jose Medellin but 50 other Mexican citizens currently on Death Row in the United States.

Can the International Court of Justice opinion or the president's memo force Texas to open its state courthouse doors in a way that they wouldn't otherwise be open?
Texas says, NO, arguing that an international court ruling does not supersede U.S. domestic law and U.S. courts.

The White House and lawyers for Medellin argue that the United States must live up to its treaty obligations to protect Americans detained or arrested overseas.
Donald Donovan, Attorney for Jose Medellin says, "When the United States deals with the world, it deals as one nation, as one voice. And when it entered into the ISJ protocol and the U.N. Charter and the Vienna Convention, it spoke as a nation. It didn't speak on the basis of individual states.

However when this treaty was ratified in the Senate, it was done so with the express condition that it would NOT usurp United States law or state law.

So I guess we'll see what happens...Will our citizen's rights once again be shit on for the sake of appeasing Mexico?

It should be noted that Jose Medellin confessed to these crimes so there is no doubt of his guilt. He even bragged about killing these two girls, and he never once complained about this counselor issue for ten years, but now wants to use this apparent loophole to save his own life.
I guess his Mexican life is more valuable than 2 young American lives were.


Anonymous said...

The international court can not usurp US law. There have been other attempts, in cases such as this, to do so and they have failed.
It bothers me immensely that our own President would side with such an egregious character as this Mr Medellin. It does not surprise me in the least that he would side with Mexico.

By the by, thank you for your kind words, and since I am no good at frivolous banter with persons whom I do not know, I shall take your advice and ignore your other devotees for the time being.
I would however like to know by what title I should address you since you appear to have more than one denotation.
Yours truely,

loki said...

My chat ID is Loki and my real name is Morgon.
Everyone around here knows me by both names
so you can take your pick.

Oh and btw, these are not my "devotees" they are just people I have known around chat for years and believe me they would crucify me in a heart beat if I say something they don't like.
They're just special that way...LOL
Also please drop the "yours truely" we are not all that formal around

One more thing, since you are new here I must ask.............How do you feel about Islam??

Anonymous said...

lokis got a boyfriend lol

Anonymous said...

yea anthony are u a lover of the shitlamic faith

Anonymous said...

the longer bush is president the less I like him

Anonymous said...

Jesus said to John.
"You will deny me 3 times".

I also do weddings. Jesus loves you and so do I.

Anonymous said...

do you think mexico wants that wetback released from prison all together or do they just want him to spend the rest of his miserable life locked up
knowing mexico they problably want us to release him back onto the american streets so he can continue killing more americans

Anonymous said...

hi anthony, my name is alicia. loki and i used to fight but we got tired of it and quit. she is an ok person. just ignore the weirdos around here because they are just messing with you. actually, most of what they say is really funny if you have been around here a long time and get all the subtext. the most important thing is dont tell anyone any personal info and you will be ok. we are all pretty harmless.

Anonymous said...

hey loki, you dumb twat, quit moving your damn blog around. now i have to fix the links again.


LOKI - Nana said...

Well now Alicia if I made life easy for you what fun would that be
Now shup and fix the link.
**sticks tongue out at Alicia**

and yeah, we are all very harmless around here, as harmless as a bunch of brand new razor blades that is....lmao

Anonymous said...

Its about time you post on your blog again. Loki is my 2012 sister. Wink wink

Anonymous said...

Hey tony this is a good blog too.

Anonymous said...

Morgon I personally feel that Islam is a plague upon the earth. I believe it should be completely eradicated for the sake of all mankind.
Does that answer your question?

Anonymous said...

People have to realize that when in another country for whatever reasons they are there. They must live by the hosting nations laws. It is really that simple. The reason the mexican government is so involved is they're opposed to the death penalty...well to freaking bad. It's the obligation for anyone traveling to another country to know the laws where they're going. I bet the Supreme Court dissents and this dude is executed once and for all. And Bush had no right getting involved. Basically Bush said there should be another hearing. But, he never clarified what that hearing should be.

And Anthony welcome to Loki's blog and glad to see you feel islam should be eradicated. Imagine if this happen. I can assure you that the world would be much more peaceful. Alicia said it well, we are pretty harmless. Just never reveal anything personal, i.e. address, phone number(s), etc.

Anonymous said...

Salami Asslikum


ALLLAH (the most constipated)

Thank-you for your support.

Anonymous said...

What did you say your phone number is? xoxoxoxox

J*A*C*K said...

Anonymous said...
the longer bush is president the less I like him

October 12, 2007 9:09 PM
Everybody wants to complain about our government but nobody wants to get out and vote. To those who voted, keep on voting and thank-you.
Having said that, I think we have a dismal choice on who to vote for president. We need a great leader not the person with the most money to spend.

Anonymous said...