Monday, October 1, 2007


Morrisville, N.C. - Police have charged a man with assault on a government officer after a policeman said the man coughed in his face 3 times during a traffic stop.

The perpetrator of this heinous crime, Kent Kauffman, said he did cough but it was towards the officer's waist, not his face.
Kauffman says he developed the cough after his dog died last week.
He goes on to say the cop put him into handcuffs and then threw him into the side of his patrol car.

Officer Chris Gill says he had originally pulled Mr. Kauffman over for not wearng a seat belt.
Kauffman now faces a misdemeanor charge and, if convicted, could spend up to 60 days in jail.

It just goes to show can get away with alot of shit in this country but you better not cough on a cop!!


Anonymous said...

omg. that is ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

I would have tasered that dumb fuck a couple of times before throwing him in the back of my cruiser. Six months in jail would be too good for him.
Be sure to donate to your Brotherhood of Police. Fuck those county mounties, they don't need any money.

Anonymous said...

what is happening to this country?

J*A*C*K said...

Too many people and not enough resources.

Anonymous said...

OMG that is the stupidest thing I have heard in a long time.
O.J. can get away with murder and this guy is going to jail for coughing?

Anonymous said...

you have to be kidding me. they are wasting our money on this crap instead of throwing the scumbag mexicans who also get away with everything into jail!!! then you have o.j who like above has said gets away with murder and lord knows what else but they throw a man in jail for coughing. I hope that man does something about this.

Anonymous said...

If you read the newsprint, it did not say anywhere that they had interviewed Officer Gill. So it's more of "he said, she said" thing. I mean seriously...why would you cough on someone, even if it's at someone's waist. He could have turned his head. How would you like it if someone came up to you and coughed on you. Where was his manner? Was he born and raised in a barn? Some people (ie: Kent Kauffman) needs to grow up and stop using the media to gain what little fame he's getting and repect people who are here to serve and protect us.

LOKI - Nana said...

I agree Mr. Kauffman exhibited bad manners by coughing on the police officer, whether it was in his face or at his waist.
However is that worth 6 months in jail??

Crossing the US border illegally seems to be ok, driving under the influence, driving without a valid license, speeding, etc...seems to be ok as long as your a celebrity,
Threatening riots if court cases don't go your way seems to be ok, and I could go on & on....but coughing will get you 6 months??

Come on, where is the commmon sense here????