Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Time is running out to save our country!

Our air, water and food is being poisoned, our land is being stripped of trees and other natural resouces basically unchecked.
Our children's toys are being contaminated, our medical system & our social services are going bankrupt, and our infrastructure is crumbling beneath us.
Our own government, who supposedly works for us, is selling us out to the highest bidders, and throwing our money away on every other nation except our own.
Our borders are being left wide open which invites illegal immigrants, illecit drugs, and those who would seek to destroy us from within!
Our jobs are being given away, our schools now pander to non-english speaking students, and our colleges are teaching us we need not defend nor care about America.

Everything we pay taxes for are being totally ignored by the very government who is there to take care of things.
Our leaders spend all their time defending their particular parties while doing NOTHING for the citizens (we the people) whom they work for.

How long will we stand by and do nothing??
What will it take for YOU to rise up and say enough is enough??


Anonymous said...

Could it be the fall of the Roman Empire all over again?

Anonymous said...

what do YOU do loki to help out with all these problems

LOKI - Nana said...

I conserve energy and recycle,

I belong to the minutemen organization and have done border patrol with them several times,

I am also a member of the ALIPAC,

I write to members of congress on a regular basis,

I join in on marches protesting the illegal alien supporters,

I network with other like-minded people to give and receive new ideas,

I have completely stopped buying anything that is labeled "made in China" or "made in Taiwan" (and let me tell you that is NOT easy)

I am currently saving money so that I can equip my home with solar and wind power thereby taking myself completely off the power grid.

And I recently traded in my beloved Suburban for a tiny little fuel saving car, which I hate, but I am willing to suffer for the cause,

These are just a few of the things that I do.....now what have YOU done?