Monday, October 29, 2007


San Diego Police officials say they detained eight undocumented immigrants today after the suspects allegedly stole emergency supplies for evacuees at Qualcomm Stadium.
Authorities say evacuees at Qualcomm Stadium told police they noticed a group of people loading supplies onto a truck and driving away. San Diego Police Spokeswoman Monica Munoz says witnesses saw the group return three times to pick up supplies.

Police say the men were taking the supplies and selling them, so they were detained. Those individuals then admitted that they were undocumented and also admitted that they were infact stealing the relief supplies, so they were turned over to the Border Patrol.

San Diego police say that four of the eight people taken into custody were released. They also say they did not know where the group resold the items, nor to whom they sold them to.


Anonymous said...

once a law breaker always a law breaker

Dee said...

Another lie! As You Tube indicates, they lost their homes.

You ANTIs are such liars!

Dee said...

What is true is you ANTIs are Racists against ALL Hispanics. Your posts say this in so many ways. Shame on you!!

LOKI - Nana said...

Oh Dee please!!!

That "race" card is soooooo over with

I am against ANYONE, no matter their ethnicity, who sneaks into my country ILLEGALLY!!!

YOUR problem is that you know that 90% of all ILLEGAL criminals are hispanic!!
And that sounds like a personal problem to me.

Being called an "ANTI" is not insulting to me by the way.

Hispanics should be completely ashamed at having so many criminals in their elements, and so many cowards who are afraid of protecting their own countries and cleaning up the corruption in their own countries and instead run away to another country and act like they belong here!!


Oh and before you call me a racist...tell me what are the latino countries laws regarding illegal immigrants into their countries??
How do they protect themselves from INVADERS??

You might want to check that out. I think you will find they are much harder on it than America is.
Start with the Mexican laws....they are a hoot!!!!

cail said...

The US immigration is having a lot of problem like those illegal immigrants , people were getting mad at them because they say that the immigration was unlawful.

US Immigration Services