Thursday, October 25, 2007


Well, looks like some people are once again raising their Nazi heads and trying to dictate what we can and can not say, and what we can and can not think!
To Google, blogspot or whoever is in charge around here just let me say that I HAVE THE RIGHT TO MY OPINION, even if YOU find it insulting! This IS still America afterall.
And to the worthless moronic assholes who tattle to those in charge everytime your on your period...take a fucking Midol and grow the hell up!!!
Now, since Pat's rights are being infringed upon, I will support him by continuing in his footsteps and giving an opinion on the
Katrina VS. S.California wildfires.......

#1 - When told to evacuate, MANY of the citizens of New Orleans ignored the order, whereas almost all of the citizens of S. California obeyed, so the loss of life at this time stands at only 3.
So maybe the New Orleans crew will obey mandatory evacuation orders next time!!!

#2 - When people crowded into the football stadium in New Orleans they acted like a bunch of uncivilized animals...they didn't clean up after themselves, they shit and pissed everywhere except the bathrooms, they accosted other people, etc, etc...
When the people in S. California crowded into the football stadium they behaved themselves in a manner befitting human beings and therefore their situation was much better.
So maybe the New Orleans crew should learn how to behave in a civilized manner!!!

#3 - When the flooding occured in New Orleans the Governor
(D-Blanco) and other state reps. demanded that the US government fix it and did NOTHING on their own to help. Governor Blanco even argued with the President because she did not want to turn over control of the National Guard to the government. In other words SHE wanted to be the big dog on the block but obviously had no teeth in which to carry out the mission.
When the fires began in S. California, the Governor
(R-Schwarzenegger) took charge and didn't wait for the government to act. He put all available fire fighters on the job, took some 2000 inmates and put them on the job, and took the National Guard and put them on the job, so that when the President did get involved everything was ALREADY in place!
The New Orleans crew got what they voted for, and S. California got what they voted for!!!

#4 - When the flooding in New Orleans occured the citizens of that city sat on their asses and expected others to take care of them. They did not volunteer to help out because there is not financial gain from "volunteering".
When the fires started in S. California the people helped each other. Volunteers were everywhere, and they did it out of the kindness of their hearts, not because they expected to get paid.

#5 - When it comes to rebuilding - The citizens of New Orleans expect someone else to foot the bill for them, and then they wonder why it takes so long.
The citizens of S. California are already talking about rebuilding THEMSELVES. They will not wait for the government assistance to come along and do it for them. They are already calling their insurance companies and getting things in motion. They are in their yards cleaning up the mess themselves.
Meanwhile the citizens of New Orleans still wait on others to do the job for them

Whether you have money or not you can still pick up a broom, a trash bag, fill up a wheel barrow, a pick up truck, SOMETHING.... and at least start cleaning up!!

Ever wondered why the ghettos are so dirty??
Maybe the residents in those ghettos are to lazy to clean!
I mean, fuck, poor or not you can still be clean IF you choose to be!!
Or you can sit around and whine and bitch about what a crappy place you live in and demand that someone else come in and clean it up for you!!
Which do you think will happen the fastest????

I have known MANY poor people in my life, those who are not lazy have clean places to live even if they are not the best places.
Those who are lazy live in rat & roach infested shitholes, and they are the ones who complain the most and want the most out of the free ride social programs!!!!

I support your blog Pat....get it back up and running soon...meanwhile everyone feel free to continue Pat's work here!


LOKI - Nana said...

Well hell,
I went to Pat's blog, found it down again, got mad, posted my blog to support him, went back to Pat's blog and it is up

All that work for nothing LMAO

Kathi said...

He's not sure why its back up, but while it was down, he made a new


pat said...

Its back up again for now And loki you hit the nail on the head with what you said. Those fucking niggers in new orleans behaved like niggers and they still are down there killing and raping. Houstons crime went way up becaused they tried to help out the "pubic headed crowd"

Anonymous said...

loki you are so right about everything you said and I know you and pat have not always seen eye to eye even though you two are more alike than different but you have always understood right from wrong and you stand up for pat even if your not talking to him at the moment because pat, you, me and everybody else has a right to our own opinions and fucktards have no right to tell us what to think

all hail loki and pat for telling it like it is

Anonymous said...

Lokis racist colors are showing again

Anonymous said...


Well said and put together on this thread. What I would like to add is. That when florida gets hit with a hurricane. We are extremely prepared and do things accordingly too. And neighbors when its all over are helping one another. And not looking to exploit others. I believe when people act like animals, they deserve what they get.

J*A*C*K said...

Rabid Husker football fans have treated him like a deity. Now a state senator flat says it: Tom Osborne is God.

Senator Ernie Chambers of Omaha said in a legal notice he sent to the former Husker coach and now interim athletic director that, "The defendant's cover has been blow... by the simple folk of Nebraska."

Chambers sued God last month for making terroristic threats, inspiring fear and causing widespread death, destruction and for terrorizing millions of the Earth's inhabitants.

But Chambers encountered a snafu in his lawsuit that he may have expected: How do you serve notice to God that he-she-it has been sued?

Chambers said the adoration and worshipful gushings heaped on Osborne recently show he is God.

Yes, GOD is on the side of the Cornhuskers now.

J*A*C*K said...


Anna said...

His supporters like to call him the "Governator".

I believe a more appropriate name for him is "Kindergarten Governor". In 1990 he was in a movie called "Kindergarten Cop".

In the movie one of the children told him…

"Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina!"

He still doesn't get it.

Anonymous said...

Nothing gets past Anna.

J*A*C*K said...

I think THE GOVERNATOR is doing a good job of handling the California fires. I think he inspires the people to come together and combat this problem. He remindes me of another California governer and great US President, Ronald Reagan.

LOKI - Nana said...

Amen Jack!!!