Saturday, October 13, 2007


In the United States, half a million to a million colonies of bees died just last winter.
Infact there has been a staggering decline in honeybees in as many as 27 U.S. states and countries in Europe and Asia and scientists are working hard to understand why.
Finding the cause of the problem is vital for U.S. agriculture. Many fruit, vegetable and seed crops, worth between $8 billion and
$12 billion each year, rely on honeybees for pollination.

Believe it or not, the alarming decline in bee populations across the United States and Europe represents a potential ecological apocalypse, an environmental catastrophe that could collapse the food chain and wipe out humanity.
Many people don't realize the vital role bees play in maintaining a balanced eco-system.
Albert Einstein once said, "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man".

Others would say that four years is an alarmist figure and that man would find other food sources, but the fact remains that the disappearance of bees is potentially devastating to agriculture and most plant life on earth.

Scientists are thus far stumped as to what is causing the decline, ruling out parasites but leaning towards some kind of new toxin or chemical used in agriculture as being responsible.
Some experts also believe that the large-scale use of genetically modified plants in the US could be a factor.
Bee populations throughout Germany have simultaneously dropped 25% and up to 80% in some areas. Poland, Switzerland and Spain are reporting similar declines.

Studies have shown that bees are not dying in the hive, something is causing them to lose their sense of orientation so that they cannot return to the hive.
Also depleted hives are not being raided for their honey by other insects, which normally happens when bees naturally die in the winter, clearly suggesting some kind of poisonous toxin is driving them away.

An environmental catastrophe that could eliminate the human race in the figurative blink of an eye is looming.
Reports that bee populations are declining at rates of up to 80% in some areas of the U.S. and Europe should set alarm bells ringing and demand immediate action on behalf of environmental organizations.
And yet while "global warming" is swallowing up all the attention, other dangers, like the rapid die-off of bee populations, are being largely shunned and completely ignored by many governments and activist foundations.
Where is Greenpeace?


Anonymous said...

wow I didn't realize I had to worry about the health of bees to maybe I should not have killed that one yesterday lol

Anonymous said...

loki thinks the sky is falling don't worry about what will happen just have fun and dont think about tommorrow it doesnt do any good anywya

Anonymous said...

I am sure going to miss all that good honey

Anonymous said...

Loki I saw on nukes blog you getting in it with pastor fuck
you better be careful he might show up at your house with his trusty macheette

Anonymous said...


LOKI - Nana said...

Chicken little
that attitude has gotten us all into the mess we are in right now dumbass!!!

Maybe it's just that I am closer to the earth then you are because I am part Native American, but I really do care about what happens to the earth.
She is important to me.

If you have children or plan to have children YOU should care too.
I never ever plan to have children but I still care.

Someone has to care, so come on, jump on the band wagon and give a shit why don't you!!!

Anonymous said...

Ugh. Pale skin gone soon.

LOKI - Nana said...

Yeah and I'm shakin' in me boots I tell ya!



Go away, this blog is actually for important discussions and not for the immature grade school bullshit which you seem to prefer.

Now if you want to take time out of your bashing campaign of non-muslims, you are more than welcome to participate in this blog.

Otherwise piss off and grow the fuck up!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

yo loki what is all that 2012 shit you keep talking about with nuke? do you know something the rest us dont?

Anonymous said...

Loki can tell the future I saw one of her shows in vegas she was amazing and hot to lol

Anonymous said...

Loki don't worry about shitdick pastor he couldnt afford to go to vegas to kill you anyway
and the US is not stupid enough to let him in

Anonymous said...

the other blogs are dead today at least this one has a little life

Anonymous said...

Morgon it sounds like you have your hands full with that guy pastor you'll have to tell me all about it later hehe
Are you still planning to go tonight?
HUGS call me.

Anonymous said...

Morgon I enjoyed reading your post and although I already knew about this particular problem with our bee population it was nice to know
that others, as you said, "give a shit" also.

For the following, please don't think me forward. I am simply interested in getting to know you better.
You remarked that you are part native American. Might I enquire as to which tribe you belong?
Also what do your other "parts" consist of? lol

I would just like to add, my thanks to Alicia and to Scuba for welcoming me into the fold. It is greatly appreciated.

LOKI - Nana said...

I belong to the Apache people, as does Alica.
The Chiricahua to be specific.
My other parts are Irish and Italian.
All of which I am very proud of, however I just consider myself a proud American.

BTW I was glad to see that we agree on the Islamic situation and with that attitude you will fit right in around here.

Anonymous said...

I belong to the Apache people, as does Alica.
The Chiricahua to be specific.
My other parts are Irish and Italian.


Future is now said...

Pastor's problem is he can dish it out but he can't take it.

Maybe it is best he stays off the blogs or maybe his probation officer needs to be contacted.

Anonymous said...

Loki what I have found is the earth has always had a way of replenishing herself. And that there are way too many alarmist out there. Lets not forget basic organic chemistry/elements (1.carbon;2.nitrogen, 3.hydrogen and 4.oxygen) which are the essential building blocks of proteins for all form to create life.

If the bees entirely disappeared. I believe mankind would have a solution and be able to do pollination artifically.

And tony no thanks needed. And what is a native american??? By definition a native is a person born at a certain place. So as a full white person who was born and raised here. I am a native american too. Just no tribe to belong too. Hey I want some of those gambling rights they tribes members get.

Anonymous said...

We are thinking of changeing our name to THE CLEVELAND NATIVE AMERICANS

Thank-you for your support.

Anonymous said...

loki I dont think pastor likes you anymore lol

loki said...

Scuba said....
If the bees entirely disappeared. I believe mankind would have a solution and be able to do pollination artifically.

Well Scuba you're probably right about that, but I imagine under those conditions the affordability of food would come only to the upper teir of society.

It would be much better if we would stop killing off everything and learn to live in harmony with nature.

Oh and LOL of course you are a native American too.
But you can't claim a tribe so no gambling rights for you!!
We would however love to invite you to come and spend all your money in our machines!!

loki said...

Hey Jack,
OSU whipped the huskers asses real good didn't they!!!



J*A*C*K said...

We are going to tar and feather the coach. Seriously, Coach Calahand's contract was extended 5 years after the first game this year. There are some pissed off husker fans around here, including me.


LOKI - Nana said...

To bad so sad

Anonymous said...

Loki I do agree with you on what would happen to the price increase on food and other industries that support the food field. Definitely better for mother nature to do things. I am a firm believer that mother nature has a way of dealing with things when it begins to threaten the way the earth should be in a natural state.

And anonymous the year 2012 is when the mayan calender simply runs outs and suddenly stopped. The exact yeat is 12/22/2012. And some of the things pertaining to that year makes a lot of sense and should be taken seriously. Will it be war, or a calamity that cause our wipe out. Do some research on the mayans and their calender and it brings a lot of credence to what is said.

Like I said above...mother nature has a way of balance things out when things get out of control. Look at all the ice ages that occurred which happens every 10,000 yrs or so. It's mother natures way of balancing things out. It is like giving a new beginning to things so we can start over again. And hopefully learn our lesson and get things right the next time.