Monday, October 15, 2007


I am absolutely amazed at the amount of data that suggests that in 2012, or within a couple years of 2012, we will see a GREAT change on earth!!
There is ALOT of data from MANY different sources, and so for the next few days I will present a little at a time!

Before I get started, I realize that as "modern civilized" humans we tend to look at ancestrial peoples as rather uneducated, severely barbaric, and completely unworthy of our attention.
However I contend that, in many ways, we are just as uneducated and barbaric as they were with far fewer reasons to be that way.

I believe we could learn alot from those who came before us if we would just listen!!!
And with that being said
Let us start with the MAYANS:.........

First let me state that many ancient peoples, including the Mayans, did not see time as lineal like we do now, (where there is a past, present, and future)....Rather they saw time as cyclical, where time circles around and potentially repeats itself, just as the seasons repeat themselves year after year after year!

The ancient Mayan empire fleurished, along what is today the Yucatan Peninsula, from 200A.D. through 900A.D.
The people were brilliant builders and astronomers, and the crowning achievement of their entire civilization is the Mayan calendar.


Even though the Mayans abandoned their world over 1000 years ago, their calendar was completed up until this century! Their calendar has accurately predicted solar and lunar eclipses, and many other phenomenon.
The Mayans feared the sun, and their calendar was not arbitrary but based on knowledge of sunspots.
Knowledge that scientists of today can and do confirm.

Their calendar started on August 13, 3114 B.C.E with the birth of Venus (the planet) and they expected the world to last for exactly 13 Baktun cycles.

Mayan cycles......
1 day = a Kin
20 days = a Uinal
360 days = a Tun
7200 days= a Katun
144,000 days = a Baktun

They anticipated the end of the world near the winter solstice (December) of 2012.
The end date is known as
They believed that they were (and we are) in the last of 4 great cycles of man, and that the end of this cycle would come due to a sudden reversal in the earth's magnetic field.

***The Galactic center, at the central bulge of the Milky Way, was understood by the ancients as the pregnant point in the heavens which gave birth to the world.
An impending alignment of the sun at that very point, according to Mayan calculations, culminates at the winter solstice, December 21, 2012.***

This point coincides with what is just now being discovered by today's scientists to be a black hole.
Astronomers say that on December 21, 2012, the Earth will be in exact alignment with the Sun and the Center of the Milky Way.
Its an event that happens approx. every 25,000 years.

Tomorrow I will continue with more.


Anonymous said...

What happend to the mayans?

LOKI - Nana said...

The Mayan people still exist today!

Now if you mean what happened to the great Mayan civilization....

Well this is not exactly known, but it is believed that MANY factors contributed to their fall.

Climate changes (years of severe drought)

Massive deforestation of their lands in order to build all of the HUGE pyramid complexes, and to make farm land in order to feed the vast number of people.

Civil war & Social decay (due to the rich having everything and the poor having nothing)
which then brought on Economic collapse

and finally
Epidemics caused by diseases which they had no immunity to, brought on by the
Foreign conquest of the Spaniards who murdered MANY in order to convert them to Christianity.

Todays the Mayans are mostly small farmers...but they do still exist!

Future is now said...

Yes loki but what happened to that great Knowledge they had? It had to go somewhere.

You missed one too some say Ufo's took them lol.

LOKI - Nana said...

Nuke all the knowledge of the Mayan is still around today.

They were the first ones to realize that a zero is needed when counting.
We still use the zero.

They made great strides in farming, were masters of irrigation, copperrsmithing, goldsmithing, architecture, and astronomy, and they were fine artists.

They were masters of all of this when Europe was still living in the dark ages.

All of these techniques still exist in the world, so they are not really "lost" per say. however most of these skills are lost to the Mayan people themselves due to the invasion and conquest by the Spaniards
Who not only demanded that they convert to christianity but also took away their language and their entire way of living...eventually causing the loss of all of these great arts.