Sunday, October 28, 2007


Authorities believe that many of the devastating fires in Southern California are the results of Arson.
Large rewards are being offered for any information about these arsonists.

One of the big fires in CA started on the Mexico border, and there have been many reports in the past of illegal alien and drug smugglers setting intentional fires on the border, to distract Border Patrols and our security forces.

So far 5 people have been arrested on suspicion of arson in connection with the S. California fires.
Of those 5 people 2 are believed to be illegal aliens.

It has been confirmed that Immigration and Customs has an Immigration Hold on a prisoner named Gorgonio Nava.
Mr. Nava was arrested with a juvenile and charged with Arson in Vista, CA. Nava is currently being held in the Vista Detention Facility under the authority of I.C.E.
Nava had prior convictions on drug charges in the US.

Another suspect arrested and charged with arson is a 41 yr. old man named Catalino Pineda, who is a day laborer from Sun Valley.
He is currently in the Los Angeles County Jail, where he was being held on an arson charge and bail was set at $75,000.
Mr. Pineda is being called a "native of Guatemala", by the police and "He is currently on probation for making excessive false emergency reports to law enforcement" say police.
Homeland Security says that "Catalino was legally in the country at the time of his arrest for arson."

But wouldn't you like to know why Homeland security did not revoke his visa or deport him after he was convicted for prior crimes?
Well Homeland security is saying his prior crimes are misdemeanors.

I certainly feel safe now!!!


Anonymous said...

those fuckers should get life in prison and then after they die we should deport their bodies back to latin america and let them bury the bastards

Dee said...

You are wrong. No one has been identified as an illegal alien. Both you mention were in the country legal. Check your facts.

Also, why don´t you talk about John Alfred Rund, a known Minuteman and NSM member? He has been arrested and has a $750K bond. Or what about Anthony Riperti, another MM member? Under $1Million bond. Report that! The Minutemen started the fires on their terroristic plot to eradicate all Hispanics in California. They are despicable.

LOKI - Nana said...

Dee, THEY are AMERICAN citizens!

And yes we have law breakers here in the US as every country does......but THEY do not go to hispanic countries to commit these crimes!

My problem is outsiders who think they can break MY country's laws and get away with it!!

We do not want them here,
And if being called a racist is the price we have to pay to protect our own country then so be it!!!

Just so you know, I am native American, my ancestors did NOT come over on the Mayflower.
I know what hiaspanics (mexicans) did to my people and I do NOT want any of them here.
But being civilized, I accept the ones who come here LEGALLY.
Those who come illegally can kiss my ass.


Dee said...

Those outsiders as you call them were LEGAL. You are not talking about illegal immigration, you are talking IMMIGRATION and Visitors who come into this country Legally.

We cannot put a mile high wall around our great country.

Additionally, there are very, very suspicious circumstances around Nava´s arrest. He was arrested based on an anonymous tip.

I believe the Minutemen who were behind many of the arsons (like Rund and Riperti) made a bogus anonymous call.

There was no convention, only being held in detention. Read the facts.

Dee said...

No Confession (above)

LOKI - Nana said...

"Visitors" who come to this country and commit crimes should be deported permanently after they serve long prison sentences.

What gives them the right to take advantage of our hospitality and then repay our kindness by commiting crimes.

And people like you defending them is disgraceful!!!!!

MANY cases are put together through anonymous don't get all suspicious minded here.

Oh and yes WE COULD put a mile high wall around our great country if we just put the effort into it.

We have the technology and the money to do so...and the criminal acts of illegals are not giving us much choice in the end!

As the saying goes.....
Good fences make good neighbors.