Thursday, November 8, 2007


This week the United States deficit reached $9 Trillion.

To help you understand just how bad things are.....
It took from George Washington (1789-1797) til Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) to reach a $1 trillion deficit.

Thats right, 200 years for America to go into debt by $1 trillion dollars and only 18 years for us to get to the now $9 trillion dollar mark!!! And this is after the deficit was reduced during the Clinton presidency.

And who are our biggest lenders?
Countries like China, India, Mexico, Japan, and Brazil.

Which may explain why our government continues to allow toxic product imports, massive outsourcing of manufacturing and research & development jobs, uncontrolled borders, etc....

Think about it!!!!


Anonymous said...

The money is spent like it grows on trees and we all know the trees are disappearing

Future is now said...

2012 baby and you know what that means.

Anonymous said...

So true Loki and messed up too. Another huge problem is that the democrats like to over spend and would make matter worse. Also, we have a huge problem with equal tariffs from other countries. And if america taxed other nations importing to us like they tax us. Then we could reduce the deficit significantly. As well as, stop over spending and stop some entitlement programs and we would make some kind of dent. The budget which was passed in the Senate and now in the House is for $459 Billion for fiscal year 2008. Now. I believe in a very strong defence. But, do we really need that money for the military. And the above mentioned amount is not including money need for the war in iraq and afghanistan (that will be under a different budget).

The preisdent, should get some smart ass person who's been successful in a large corporation to advise him in how to cut the cost down. Someone who doesnt play a part in the political arena. Lobbyist hurt the budget and over spending too. There are some many avenues the govt can take to reduce the deficit, in which the govt and the people wouldn't be effected. If the democrats win the presidency they will just increase the deficit due to the socialist programs they want to instill. People in govt need to stop interpreting the constitution and start to follow what it actually says. No where in our constitution does it say the govt has to offer these entitlement programs.

LOKI - Nana said...

Actually our national budget deficit is
$9 trillion...

our trade deficit is $6 trillion which means we are accepting
$6 trillion more imports then we are exporting out.
And this trade deficit is growing faster then our budget deficit.

Also we pay tarrifs on everything we export whereas MANY of the imports we get are not charged tarrifs.

The whole system is completely unbalanced in everyones elses favor except our own!