Sunday, November 11, 2007



Anonymous said...

very nice loki and very true

Anonymous said...

I think you do a good job with your blog loki dont let fucktards like lilly and tommy g get into your head they are dirt compared to people like you. keep up the good work we are behind you all the way

loki said...

Get into my head???

Those idiotic drama queens couldn't get into my head if their fucking lives depended on it!!!!

I just think they do a great insult to our troops and our vets by trying start a race war when the topic had absolutely nothing at all to do with race!

I have in the past, and will again in the future, write posts about race and those are the ones they should be voicing their opinions on, but NOT on the Veteran's Day one.

It's just completely pathetic and shows what their TRUE motives really are!


Anonymous said...

chat drama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Those people also seem to forget that all veterans give the ultimate in serving our country. So, we can enjoy the very freedoms and liberties people have fought and died for. It's a shame that people like lily, tommy-g and earl have to exploit things to make it appear as racism. These kind of people will never move forward in life. They need to understand that not all things pertain to race. All black people do when they pull out the race card is hurt their people from advancing.

Anonymous said...

Happy Monday! Happy Veteran's Day! Hope your day goes good Loki!

your all idiots said...

we are into your has happened....the seed has been planted.....your mind is weak loki....we not only are into your head....which isn't nothing to write home about by the way....I am trying to figure out what week to shut your blog down....give me a few minutes to figure that one's between you and pat the jail bird's blog this time....hmmmmm...what a's like....which racist shall I shut down....okie dokie loki.....or pat...the guy who say's he's in his 40's........but by god if he doesn't look and out of jail does that to you....wonder if he writes to bubba?? and OH loki....not impressed with what you say you do for the vets...if that's all you do...your not doing enough....I do those things by accident....go help a vet loki dokie....and get up off your ass and outta chat.....if I was a vet and thats all you were doing for me...I'd tell ya to forget about it...

Anonymous said...

Loki's pisssed. This black veteran is in Lokis head..Happy Veterans day to me!!

your all idiots said...

well it's kinda nice being in lokie dokie's head...sure is a lot of room to stretch out...nothing but air...

your all idiots said...

well lokie are some of your vets you so cherish and admire...these vets have gone soft...I heard when there not protesting...they go into yahoo islam chat rooms and bash america...thank God for the real vets that make it possible for them to do that....okie dokie lokie??

J*A*C*K said...

I thought you were better then this. You seem to be doing exactly what you are accusing everyone else of doing. You are only making yourselves look like fools.

Someday Tommy is going to bite you in the ass, again.

Anonymous said...

Tommy_g_95376 comments about shutting down blogs has been sent to Google.

your all idiots said...

oh no...I hope scuba isn't going to sue me!! yikes...maybe I should re-think about shutting down blogs...nahhhhhh..I love the sport of shutting down blogs....Google loves me...

OMG are we looking like fools....damn...better staighten up..I thought I was looking like an asshole....that's what I strive to be...I don't wanna be a fool...I wanna be an asshole...I'll work on that jackass that next time you can call me an asshole...then my mission is complete...

Anonymous said...

Tommy.... get some help..seriously.

your all idiots said...

Anonymous said...
Tommy.... get some help..seriously.

as soon as you can grow some balls and post with your name...I will get some help....until then ...shut the fuck up and if you can't handle the blogs....which you can't....don't comment fuck's like watching TV...if you don't like what's on...turn the channel...

J*A*C*K said...

Tommy.... get some help...seriously. said you would if I grow some balls and post in my own name. Don't disapoint me.

LOKI - Nana said...

Hummmm gonna shut my blog down for honoring the vets on Veteran's day??
Wow who REALLY hates vets around here??

And if you have to shut a blog down it means that YOUR weak mind can't find a suitable argument to counter with.

Oh and Tommy I give you YOUR OWN WORDS BACK......
"...and if you can't handle the blogs....which you can't....don't comment fuck's like watching TV...if you don't like what's on...turn the channel..."

That's what YOU said Tommy so maybe you should practice what you preach!!
Okie Dokie??
Just an idea!


And Lily this is what I got from your ramblings

Blah, blah, blah
whine, whine, whine
yawn, yawn, yawn

your all idiots said...

hey cunt wad okie dokie lokie....I never said i could't handle the blogs...that was one of your racist followers ...can't handle the blogs??...i love the blogs....epecially yours...your is special...I love exposing you for the racist you are...and I'll keep exposing you....if your nice to me I'll keep your blog up a little bit longer....okie dokie lokie???

now go do something constructive...NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I said NOW !!!!!!!!!!!! did you hear me??

your all idiots said...

and as for you dick smoker jack ass fag boy....when you learn how to spell...when you mind your manners....when you do what I say you fucking loser...then I will get help!!! I really need it....I am self destructing as we speak...OMG....someone help me....I feel like I am going to me jack ass piece of shit muther fucking get the fuck outta here you asshole or I'll shut your blog down I were you I'd delete the muther fucker!!!!!!!!!!!!

your all idiots said...

oh and okie dokie seems to me Lily has responded to all your racist bullshit and the only thing you can come up with is

Blah, blah, blah
whine, whine, whine
yawn, yawn, yawn

you fucking piece of shit racist bastard...that's the best you can really need to get off your ass and at least ask someone to help you with your comments back to are a weak human being...a weak the next time you care to talk about race and how you are a racist...come prepared...not the bull shit you been typing....damn...if that's all you have...then maybe I will expedite the closure of this BLOG....Hold on ...oh GOOGLE....I have a'll know when it's down.....lololololl

LOKI - Nana said...

Blah, blah, blah,
whine, whine, whine,
yawn yawn, yawn


LOKI - Nana said...

Oh and Tommy....
I am not a "bastard"
I am a BITCH!!!!

Get it right boy!!!

your all idiots said...

your everybody's bitch okie dokie is coming down...tick..tock..tick..tock.lokie is a be nice on your blog and I'll let it stay...

Anonymous said...

tommy can dish it out but he cant take it lol

Anonymous said...

Tommy_g thinks he can have an opinion but no one else can.
How racist is that?
Tommy who was the moron that told you that only your opinion matters?
Loki is entitled to express any opinion she wants to just like you. so why dont you get down off your high horse and stop acting like a child about all this.
Your just making an ass of yourself and everybody is laughing at you

Anonymous said...

loki, trust me on this. put on comment moderation and dont let tommy post on your blog. what he and lilly like to do is post nasty comments, then pretend they are the victims and complain to google. the only way to stop it is to put on moderation and not publish any comment that even sounds like it came from either one of them. everyone else has done that and it works really well. all they do is cause trouble, they arent interested in free speech or other peoples opinions. the best thing to do is simply shut them down.


LOKI - Nana said...

Thanks for the advice Alicia

Anonymous said...

tommy i wouldn't sue you. But why do you feel so compelled to threaten people. By saying you will close their blog down. It doesn't do any good in the first place. Simply people will just open another blog. What you need to ask yourself, as well as why are you sccared of freedom of speech, even though you two don't agree with what is being said. And last I recall, being a racist is not against law.

In fact, the way you two are reacting and responding is a reflection of your own racism. It's smarter to let other Think you're a fool. Rather then Open your mouth and Prove you're a fool. Essentially, why not think before you open your mouth and spew something. Why not debate the subject matter in an intelligent manner. Rather than be threatening and using vile words. Most would respect another who is polite than being an asshole. And being proud of being an asshole is nothing to be proud of.

And a while back didn't you tell me and many others you were gay and came out of the closet. Or were you just bullshitting. Personally, I believe you are gay from what we discussed. So suddenly you are no longer gay and hooking up with Lily. Many men have attempted to deny what they truly are. And then waste years of a womans life just to tell them they were always gay. And the man thought if he only got married had some kids and tried to be normal, there being gay would go away. Now, if you're attempting to do this you will find out the hard way you cannot change what you are.

Anonymous said...

well said scuba.both lily and tommy g are afraid to confront what you said well they have no arguement

and yes tommyg had told mostly everyone he was gay awhile back

and its funny becuse he had told people his boyfriend was black

aint that funny