Saturday, November 3, 2007


Well, well, well 6 years after 9-11 the Saudis announced this week that it could have all been prevented had the US only asked them.

According to the Saudis they had been tracking the activities of the militants who would later be the "9-11 hijackers" and had the US only consulted with them the attacks would never have occured.

In other words, since we didn't ask them they just let it all happen apparently!!!

I guess they couldn't have possibly told us an attack was coming without us having to ask them first huh?

Allah, I mean satan, must be so pleased with them!!!


Anonymous said...

I think it's funny that you mixed up Allah and satan. I mean Allah is God. Much the same God as in Christianity. Both religions are Abrahamic, both religions stem from children of Abraham. Why do you have to drag one religions down to seem evil. Islam is not evil. Don't blame a faith for the evil in extremists.

I do respect you for your blogs though. I do enjoy reading your opinions and your take. Keep of you politically incorrectness. It's a free country :)

LOKI - Nana said...

I did NOT mix up allah and satan!!
Satan is the great deceiver and has truely lived up to his name when it comes to muslims for they believe him to be God.

Allah is absolutely NOT my God.
Allah is NOT the God of Christianity!!!!

My God is a loving father who loves ALL of his children and would NEVER tell one to kill another!!
Meaning he would NEVER tell muslims to kill Christians!
Satan is the only one who would pit one against another in such an effective way.

And I do not drag islam down and make it seem evil.
Islam drags itself down.
Muslims drag it down.

All I do is observe!!

Anonymous said...

thats very interesting. What good does it do for them to tell us now? I guess its so we know they knew. Glad to know someone knew thousands of lives were about to be destroyed and they had the courage to sit back and watch!

J*A*C*K said...


the albino monk said...
Anonymous said...
Good post Nuke!

Yes Lucifer was the angel of light. That's who Mohammed saw and received the koran from. Lucifer is the great deceiver. He has many followers today, including those who make excuses for the terrorist muslims actions.

7:15 PM
....and Mohammed called "the angel of light" Allah and named himself as The Prophet.
In reality... Lucifer and his demon, Mohammed.

12:51 PM

Anonymous said...

fucking muzzie pieces of shit

Anonymous said...

We have always known the saudis were behind the attacks on 9-11 but its nice they finally admit it.

Hello Morgon, how have you been?
I have been somewhat busy of late and have been unable to visit your site. Please forgive me.
Yours truely

LOKI - Nana said...

Hello Anthony

Anonymous said...

loki when are you coming back to chat to help us bash the muslims?
you were great at it and there are so few of us now we could really use you

Anonymous said...

gee, i think they just gave US reason to go nuke their sorry asses. we can wait 6 years then tell any left over ragheads that are being used as lawn ornaments because they glow in the dark, sorry, you should have begged us not to nuke you! oops, our bad!

LOKI - Nana said...
