Tuesday, November 27, 2007


54 year old Gillian Gibbons, A british teacher who teaches children in the Sudan was arrested on charges of "blasphemy" because she asked her 7 year old students to name a teddy bear as part of a school project.
The children voted, and choose to name the stuffed bear Mohammed.

OH THE HORROR!!!!!!!!!

Feeling that this isulted the entire religion of Islam Ms. Gibbons was arrested by authorities.
According to Sudanese Islamic law she could face 40 lashes and up to 6 months in jail or a fine for "insulting the prophet".

The British Prime Minister says he is trying to get Ms. Gibbons released from jail, and fellow teachers and friends of Ms. Gibbons say they are absolutely shocked by the whole incident!!!

Frankly I am shocked that they are shocked!!


Anonymous said...

allah the most assinine

Anonymous said...

That is really sad.

BTW, the Teddy Bear should be insulted to be called "mohammad" ... not the other way around.

Anonymous said...

Loki, notice how the muzzies are rioting in paris and other cities in france. they claim it's because they cant get fair employment. well, maybe if they thought a bit harder. these idiot muslims would realize they're not welcomed there anymore. BYW i heard the teacher was release and charges were dropped...but figures the muslims would have laws like this. in america we should start offending all the muzzie bastards and maybe they will go home. since their BS sharia law doesn't work here.

Anonymous said...

Salami Asslikum

How dare this woman name an unclean child's toy "mohammed". This name is used by over 70 percent of the male muslim population and is also the name of our prophet, MOHAMMED (may piss be upon him). All teddy bears should be beheaded. We are watching you.


Kathi said...

I feel the civilized world should stop trying to help these 3rd world muslim nations. Nothing they do shocks me anymore, especially since the gang rape girl recently. I agree with Pat: Death to islam.


p.s. this does not mean I agree with him on everything tho....hahaha!

Anonymous said...

I have said it before and I'll say it again, it's time to bare arms and fight, all this wishing and hoping our government will do something is a pipe dream,
Call me crazy if you want to, but I'm ready to strike and I have declared war on islam.

Anonymous said...

i just heard on fox news that the reason this woman, gibbons, was over in the sudan is because she is sympathetic to islam. if she is, then they should definitely lash her so we can see if she stays sympathetic.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon 12:44

LOKI - Nana said...

Today the lady was officially charged with "inciting religious hatred" for the naming of the teddy bear incident!

LOKI - Nana said...

Lady was convicted today....received 15 days in jail (5 she has already served) and deportation after she finishes her jail term!