Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Now where did we leave off yesterday?
Oh yes I remember.......
#4 - Now of course all good playbooks from God need books of interpretation, no they?
Yes, of course they do because as everyone knows God is simply not capable of making himself clear to the very creatures he created. Rght???
God is really not all that bright! lol

Bukhari vol.8, book 82, #794 -
Says that allah wants you to drink camel urine for all your ills and sicknesses

Bukhari vol.1, book 4, #163 -
Says that allah wants you to wipe your butt with an uneven number of stones

Bukhari vol.4, book 54, #513 -
Says allah wants you to spit over the left side of your bed for bad dreams

Bukhari vol.4, book 54, #522 -
Says that allah has deemed that if you hear a donkey braying (which donkeys are prone to do) it means it has seen the devil

Bukhari vol.4, book 54, #516 -
Says that allah wants you to snort water up your nose daily because satan likes to sleep in your nose

Bukhari vol.2, book 23, #460 -
Says that allah wants you to put a green leaf on the grave of your friends when they die because it will help ease their pain (because as we all know that dead people have it rough. Wait, no they don't...THEY'RE DEAD!!!)

Bukhari, Medicine, NOS 5768, 5769, 5779 -
Says allah wants you to eat dates everyday to keep magic away for the whole day

Bukhari vol.1, book 4, #137
Says that if you fart during your prayers allah will not hear your prayer
#139 - Unless of course it is a small fart that does not smell


Muslim Book OLO, #3813
Says that allah wants you to kill dogs in your house because angels do not like them

One last thing if I might......
According to the Bible, Torah, AND Qur'an, God tells us to bow ONLY unto him, we are to worship no one else but God.

The qur'an however deviates from this though starting in
Sura 2:34
Where it says.....After allah had completed his creation he then ordered the angels in heaven to bow down to Adam.
Some of the angels refused, reminding Allah that he had already commanded that they bow down to NO ONE but him.
This angered allah and he cast out of heaven all the angels who had refused to bow to Adam.

HUMMMMMMM... now isn't that special!!!

Anyway, that's a few little fun facts you might use the next time you go to chat. And afterwards feel free to add a "FUCK ALLAH" because he is afterall the devil and deserves to be told to fuck off!!!


Anonymous said...

OMG it always amazes me at just what the muslims will believe I cant believe they actualy kill for this moronic shitbag of a religion

Anonymous said...

what they do when you bring up the stupid things in the haddiths and stuff is then they say oh well the haddiths are corrupted we dont pay attention to them but in real life they follow the haddiths as much as they follow the quran

J*A*C*K said...

Allah is just an excuse to kill people.

Anonymous said...

lol I love the one about wiping your ass with stones lol

Anonymous said...

my favorite is the farting one lmao

Anonymous said...

Bukhari vol.4, book 54, #516 -
Says that allah wants you to snort water up your nose daily because satan likes to sleep in your nose

now we know where satan hangs out -in muzzies noses lol

Anonymous said...

The hadiths also known as the Sunnah was created to help interpet the fucked up Quran. Like Loki emphasized. Why would a book from god need to have another book to clarify what the first book mean't. How a muslim cannot see that all this is crap is beyond me. I would bet a 15 year with decent common sense would realize this religion was made up. Also, Islam and all it's bullshit comes from one man who couldn't prove a thing...yet muslims follow blindly. And due this they need to be destroyed due to being so naive and such a danger to all normal people.

Anonymous said...

shit my 5 year old can understand just how stupid islam really is and yet muslims follow it blindly so that shows the mentality of ALL muslims

Anonymous said...

lol good job loki

Anonymous said...

Loki you just make me so proud,i could just jump on ya and make love to ya all day lol oi oi you know who it is dont ya! mwwwaaahh

LOKI - Nana said...

Oi, Oi yeah I know who ya are.

Are ya playing incognito here??

Ok I'll go along,
how about if I just call you Leprechaun,

no one will know who ya are by that nickname.
it'll just be our lil secret

wink, wink