Sunday, November 18, 2007


A Japanese whaling fleet left harbor today on a voyage to slaughter 1,000 whales, including 50 humpback whales they say will be used for research.

Humpback whales were hunted almost to extinction by the 1960's.
Estimates are that 90% of them were murdered before the International Whaling Commission set up a world wide moratorium to stop the killings.

Japan says the 50 humpback whales will be used for research purposes, but the fact remains that most of the whale meat will end up in Japanese pubs and supermarkets to be sold as food.

It is not just Whales who suffer for the dinner tables of the Japanese though, no they also enjoy eating dolphin.
Figures say that some 23,000 dolphins are murdered every year by Japanese fishermen to be sold as food.

This picture shows a Japanese fisherman with dolpins in his boat sitting in the bloody Taiji Bay

They make a whole festival around a yearly event when dolphins are forced ashore and then literally hacked to death!!

These whales and dolphins are NOT merely fish, they are intelligent feeling creatures who deserve to be protected from barbarity and comsumption.


Anonymous said...

God that river is nothing but blood seeing all this just makes me sick

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely AWEFUL. Poor Whales & Dolphins.

Anonymous said...

you should go to a slaughter house sometime if you want to see sick but you still like eating those big macs right?

Anonymous said...

Support Local Family Farms!

FUCK Japan (Whale & Dolphin torture), FUCK China (Fur Farms - dogs and cats), FUCK France (Foie Gras) and FUCK Niggers too (Dog Fights.)

God please help innocent animals, and please punish these assholes that torture animals.

Anonymous said...


LOKI - Nana said...

Make a move already??

For fuck sake Leprechaun I think that's YOUR job ain't it?

So stop yelling at me and do what ya gotta

Now give us a kiss and shup.

Anonymous said...

hate to tell you this, but any animal with a nervous system is feeling. even a worm or a cockroach will struggle and try to live. think about it the next time you eat meat.

Anonymous said...

Loki are YOU a vegetarian?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
hate to tell you this, but any animal with a nervous system is feeling. even a worm or a cockroach will struggle and try to live. think about it the next time you eat meat.

But dont you think we should draw the line somewhere? Are there no limits?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
hate to tell you this, but any animal with a nervous system is feeling. even a worm or a cockroach will struggle and try to live. think about it the next time you eat meat or step on a cockroach.

LOKI - Nana said...

Anonymous said...
Loki are YOU a vegetarian?

The short answer is ..No I am not.

However I eat very little meat

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are disgusting

Anonymous said...

I agree we should draw a line in what we use for consumption of food. It has been proven that whales and dolphins are highly intelligent. Just they have a complex communication system in which we don't full understand. Those clicks and whisles mean something, just science hasn't figured out a translation. Also, in intelligent testing these mamuals score exceptional high. It's disgusting how the fisheries are using scientific study as a loop hole so they can have their meat. Americans should boycott buying any japanese car for 2 months and I bet this would hurt their economy.

Anonymous said...

Loki, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. As well as, to all your readers....except for the muslims. Muslims are never thankful for anything...even the american muslims. I and the rest of us appreciate what we have and what America stands for. I would be even more thankful if the muslims in america would leave or even better if we kicked them out of our great country.

Sorry to get off the thread topic Loki. But, wanted to extend my best wishes to you and your readers.

Christiane Pimentel Teixeira said...

Um absurdo sem tamanho! Um crime contra a vida!

Um absurdity without dimension! Um crime against it the life!