Friday, November 16, 2007


Once again the blacks are on the march, and once again they fail to march for the issues that will actually better their lives.

They march against the "injustice" against the black man. using as one of their examples Mychal Bell who was convicted in the Jena 6 case. They say it's unfair that he be punished for beating up a white child. They say he is just a good black child who has been railroaded by the system.
What they fail to mention is that Mychal Bell has a criminal history of assualt including an assault on a girl. Yeah he's a great poster child for the black community.

They also march to get sentences reduced for crack convictions since 80% of them involve black defendents. I mean they shouldn't be punished now should they, it's only crack! Crack being sold to black people by other black people is just a way to get rich and have fun depending on which end of the drug deal you are on, so what's the harm?

They march to make hanging noose's and saying "nigger" hate crimes. Fuck the right to free speech and expression. Who cares about whitey's rights!!

But most of all they march to keep the idea of racial victimization going!!! "I am black therefore I must be a victim. Nothing that happens to me can ever be my fault".

If black people were truely serious about making life better they should march for things like...

Reducing the homicide rates in their own neighborhoods, but wait, since most black people are killed by other black people they can't use the race victimization card on that issue.

Or how about marching to reduce the dropout rates of black people. But wait if they all educated themselves and went to college and got good jobs they couldn't use the "oppressed" excuse for their bigotry against whites.

Or how about marching over the fact that the greatest role models for the children of black people, by their own admission, are hip hop/rap stars and basketball players. Oh wait can't do that either because then they would have to ask themselves why black communitys have nothing better to offer their children.

Or maybe they should march over the fact that more than 70% of black children are born out of wedlock. But once again can't do that because if they did that they would have only black men to blame and well that does not ring of racial victimization now does it.

No they can't march over any of the REAL problems that actually do exist in the black communitys because if they did they would be forced to accept that MANY of the problems they face today are of their own making.
And personal responsibility is NOT in the black people's vocabulary for the most part!!

Black people fail to realize that men such as Al Sharton make their livings by keeping the racial victimization card going. Without this Al would have to get an actual job and the good reverend ain't gonna let that happen.


Anonymous said...

well put. People always protest and most of the time dont have a vaild reason.

Anonymous said...

the problem with people like sharpton and jessie jackson is they have no lives at all except for the stife they create between blacks and whites


Anonymous said...

no loki its all the whites man fault everything that happens in the entire world is the white mans fault no other race is responsible for anything they do or anything that happens to them and as soon as we understand that the happier the other races will be

now where is that noose I was making?

Anonymous said...

I like it when the blacks march in large groups because the crime rate goes down in all the other neighborhoods

Anonymous said...

watch out loki lilly and tommy g will kick your ass again


the fag and nigga been quiet

Anonymous said...

Just wait for the shitstorm if they charge Bell with burning down the school.

Anonymous said...

anon 3:20
yeah lol when they march at least we know where they are and we can keep an eye on them so its not all bad

Anonymous said...

you motherfuckas are so racist how do you live with yourselfs

Anonymous said...

yo mothafucka shut yo mouf or we string yo ass up we all gots nooses just axe any brotha

loki said...

Anonymous said...
watch out loki lilly and tommy g will kick your ass again
the fag and nigga been quiet

Oh yes, as you can tell, I am extremely scared of those two.
I am actually shaking in my boots, oh dear whatever will I do?

And yes they have been very quiet lately
They're gone, both their blogs are gone,
I did notice that my blog is still here though.

Hummmmm I wonder what happened

Anonymous said...

good post loki and some excellent points made to

Anonymous said...

loki you racist fucking bitch
who the hell are you to tell black people what there real problems are
you need to worry about your own hillbilly trailer park trashy white ass and leave everyone else alone you fucking bitch

Anonymous said...

loki you racist fucking bitch
who the hell are you to tell black people what there real problems are
you need to worry about your own hillbilly trailer park trashy white ass and leave everyone else alone you fucking bitch

well loki

there's one of them

sounds like lilly can't post her name but oonly in anon now the stupid cockaroash

you got lilys attention now loki

shes the only one posting racist crap anyhow

shes so stupid

your all idiots said...

yes loki my blog is gone....but for reasons I will spare you the details...but yes lily's blog is gone because she went slut blog ...I told her to take my pic off her slut blog...then it was find out about a lot of people in chat...on blogs...etc...etc...but all i can tell you loki...all your racist comments you were on and on and on the last few days....well.... you were right on....but I did find out the hard way... that lily is one of the biggest whoes in chat....I wasted 10-11 months thinking she was not....turns out she is one of the biggest racist flirtty whores in chat...BUT I found out and did something about it....I got well...I don't spend my hours in chat like she does....I mean she spends hours....all hours of the day....morning noon and night..doesnt work or shall I say doesnt work much....don't want to bore you....but touched something and SHE didn't say shit cause she can't rebuke it.......make no mistake about it but lillly is a racist and a chat whore....just check room one....she will ALWAYS be there flirtting with anyone...and i mean anyone...even the ppl who bash america.....she befriends all of them....she says there her firnds and she doesnt have to tell them to go fuck off....and she served in our Military??? glad she's not now....probably cause she's easy to open the cam...thats why they come back to room one

your all idiots said...

one more thing loki....and i wont comment on your blog again..ever..YOU didn't start the racist comments those times lilly made those comments...but SHE did....every single don't have to be a rocket see it was her who started those comments...about racism....and I played along with a pussywhipped internet guy should...and for that I am sorry....have fun'll find lilly in room 1 and two pretty much always..not that you care...I wont go there to bash...but wake up ppl....get your penis out of your hand (guys Im talking about) and see who this whore really is...if you work her hard too might get lucky...if you have not already...I'm so happy I caught myself and got well....she is a sick person......Ok I'm done...said my peace...she's like an alcoholic...she tried to stay off of chat...actually swore she one night I woke up 11 PM california time....2 AM midwest time...her time... and guess whos in chat room one.......BINGO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! darkeyedlily LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL wow

LOKI - Nana said...

hillbilly trailer park trashy white ass???

wow could that be a racist comment from a black person???

Could it possibly be that black people are racist too??

Just goes to show that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

LOKI - Nana said...


Wow I didn't mean to break you two up!

My powers amaze even me sometimes lol

Well it sounds like I did ya a big favor so I will be expecting a check in the mail

LOKI - Nana said...

Well boys it sounds like lilly is up for grabs again, if any of you are interested

your all idiots said...

you don't have to shout at the boys and tell them lilly is up for grabs again ....she's already been doing that in room one on her own...she's what you call a chat room pro...or is that hoe?? lol

and no, you had nothing to do with lilly and I breaking up whatever you mean by that....I saw the light...or I actually got well...I got sick of her lying (and her being a hoe had a lot to do with it) and decided to move on....I don't know what other words to use....her and cold hearted country skank are so into chat room one that they have become delusional....they think it's real...they really really do.......they gave up there lives (real life) for chat life....she will have some that side with her...(the guys holding there cock waiting for her to open her cam)....but I tell you this cause after biting my tongue about her accusing you of being a racist...i needed to stand by my convictions and tell you it was her...not you with the problem....she was in room 1 talking about she likes to call us...and i do have screen shots....her new black pal already buckemdown_fab are down on no need to announce to the guys lillys available...she is way ahead of ya....lololololol oh and when I would conversate with her on the phone and I would say something off color...she's call me on it...but if she called us whitey;s or cracker boy she thought it was funny...she really is disgusting...sorry for the long it's 10:13 California time and I'm going to go get laid ...cali girls are FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tommy_g got well. LMFAO

Anonymous said...

Do you think Lily got Tommy_g's blog shut down? Nawwwwwww... never happen. LMFAO

your all idiots said...

blogs didnt get shut down...they were owners...

but the funny part of all this is that lillly IS the racist and having talked to her on the phone for 11 find out a lot about someone...specially there sexual fantasies....although she won't admit being a lesbian or bisexual....her fantasy is to watch other women together and join in...while that is nice....for men....and probably some women....she has a reality way of getting hot...she has a chat crush on cold hearted....and we did talk about that....and she has while I was on the phone with her..... been in the tubby with water running on her clit and has cum to cold hearted country gal2007....she did that everyday....not while I was on the phone with her everyday....but she did that method everyday and thought about guys my is for sure she will deny all this....but hey...thats her style....I feel honored that two chat whores are spending time in chat talking about me...but the real story here is that lilly is a racist.....and needs to get weell and take care of her kids....and her house....she said she had dishes in the sink for 3 fucking days....well duh!!!!!!!!

your all idiots said...

lily doesnt think she spends a lot of time in is so sick...its an addiction....this is from someone I cant stand...but this is what he said to lillly

bikercousinit: you do spend a lot of time in chat lilly

rest my case your honour!!

Anonymous said...

Give me a call, baby. Use my cell number. xoxoxoxoxox

Anonymous said...

Enough about LILY... DAMN! WE all know she's in chat 1!

Anonymous said...

Veritas said...
Well boys it sounds like lilly is up for grabs again, if any of you are interested

November 16, 2007 9:18 PM
This also means Tommy_G is up for grabs, but I have a head start (wink wink).

Anonymous said...

Loki, Hope your having a good day.

Anonymous said...

The amazing loki
conquerer of racist niggers and breaker upper of couples LMAO

Anonymous said...

I think your take on the status quo that exists in the black community is completely correct.
You absolutely understand the reality of the situation.
I do not know your educational background but you certainly are an intellegent woman with a firm grasp on this issue.

Our greatest hope in this nation should be that African Americans grow to be as wise as you one day.

Anonymous said...

Why is Lily using water...can't she afford a decent vibrator. Lily sounds like a crack pot and probably like smoking crack too. If she is online so much and for extend times...who's caring for her children? And maybe she is going to the other side, because no sane man wants anything to do with this crazy bitch. And of course Lily is a racist and bigot. She is pissed because she is unable to compete. The standards are high when competing and she is just too lazy and addicted to chat to make an effort to make something of her life. Lily will never advance in life due to making up excuses and using racism as an issue.

And tommy, you're starting to act all vindictive and spewing personal shit because it didn't work out between you two. Well, enough already and just move on. People don't want to know these personal things. So stop being so vindictive and obsessed. No one gives a shit about Lily. People are aware of how fucked up Lily and coldhearted are. And lets not forget all the Bullshit you did to Sharoninny who never bothered anyone. You have some serious issues yourself. And I think it's in your best interest to concentrate on your issues, rather than Lily's. Go get some help and speak to a psychologist and try to understand why you get so attached to a woman and then possessive and jealous. This is not normal behavior. Don't forget to mention the stalking to the person you speak to.