Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Someone said to me earlier......
"Loki which politican hasn't flip flopped...... It's how the game is played and everyone of them do it"

and although I agree with the statement, it made me very angry and got me to thinking.

Yes it is true that politicians, one and all, "flip flop", pander, and lie depending on the situation,
But WHY do they???

In a true Democracy it should be impossible to flip flop or pander or lie because "we the people" hold all the power and watch closely those who have been choosen to lead. The government does what the people want and expect them to do or we simply change out those who govern.
At least this is the idea of a democracy.

The word Democracy comes from the greek....
dēmos - meaning "people"
kratia - meaning "power"

A true Democracy can not survive without the people.
It is incumbent upon the people to participate and regulate and govern the government.
The people MUST keep vigile over the democracy or risk losing it.

However somewhere along the way "we the people" here in America gave up our responsibility to govern, we turned a blind eye to what our politicians were doing.
We trusted that power would not breed corruption in our leaders. Hell we even stopped voting (only 40% of voting age Americans bother to vote).
We just took it for granted that everything would work out in the end and that our democracy would simply take care of itself.

Corruption is so common place these days that we talk about it with a shrug and a sigh. We assume our leaders will lie to us, pander to us, flip flop on every issue, and say whatever they have to in order to get elected and then will change their minds once they are in office.

We have stopped demanding the truth.
we have stopped expecting the truth,
we have even stopped hoping for the truth.

We pretty much allow our leaders to do whatever they want to do.
They decide how much money we make, they decide which of our jobs can leave the country, they decide how secure our borders will be, they decide whether we can or can not have abortions.
They decide which schools our children will attend, they decide when to go to war and then when to end the war, they decide how much we will give them in taxes and then they decide how that money will be spent.
They decide which drugs are legal and which will get you prison time, some believe they even decide who our future leaders will be.

Pretty much every aspect of our lives is decided for us by our leaders. We have given them this power and they have taken it with greedy fists and hungry eyes. The more we give up to them the more they want.

Because of this we have gotten to where we are now and things will only get worse from here, and one day things WILL get so bad that we will finally rise up and scream that our leaders failed us, but in truth we share all the blame for we have failed ourselves.


A Democracy can not survive without the people.


J*A*C*K said...

If you don't vote, don't complain.

If you don't vote, your government is not by you or for you.

Do NOT vote for Obama. Give him 8 years to show us where he is really coming from.

Remember what happened when people voted for Hitler because he promised change with a silver tongue.

Anonymous said...

loki you sound kind of pissed off lol

Anonymous said...

there are alot of other things the gov controls that you didnt mention like interest rates and stuff like that but basically I think you got it right we have let the politicians make all the decisions forus I heard that about 3 million people voted in the florida thing the other day I am not sure what the polulation is there but I am sure that more than 3 million people are voting age there but then I heard the reporters talking about what a great turnout it was compared to other years so you are right about people not getting involved yo are also right about us asuming politicians will lie to us and we dont seem very conserned about it anymore its just normal now and we just accept it