Sunday, January 13, 2008


As some of you know I have a house in Tulsa even though I live here in Vegas, and I have been waiting to get these pictures that show the damage done to a tree in the front of my house.

It was a large, lovely tree that was actually more like 6 trees that had spiraled together and then grown into one very large tree, so when the ice storm destroyed it last month it fell in several different directions.

One part fell to the left into my neighbor's yard, two parts fell to the right into my other neighbor's yard, two parts fell out into the street completely blocking the road, and one part was left standing.

Amazingly there were cars in everyone's driveways and parked on the street and not one of them was hit by the tree.
Nobody's house, including mine, was hit either, THANK GOD!!!

Anyway, I just got the pics in the mail today so I thought I would share a few of them. If you click on the pics you can see them enlarged.

This used to be my tree!!!
This view is from the street.
You can see my neighbor's house,
and that some of her trees came down also.

As you can see it barely missed my neighbor's car!!!
This view is from my front yard.

This is part of the tree that was laying in the street!
You can see the edge of my driveway at the bottom of pic.

This is another view of what was laying in the street
This view is from the street.

This is a view taken from my front porch.
This used to be such a beautiful tree during the summer.
It shaded most of my house.

This is just a close up view of my poor tree.
You can see a large chunk of it came right out by the roots!

This last picture shows the part of the tree that fell into my other neighbors yard. As you can see it went down right over my driveway
and just barely missed the car that was sitting there!
This view is from the street.

If you look carefully through that pine tree you can just barely
see my little house. It's the gray one.


Kathi said...

WOW! Ice can be so damaging. We have problems with it here in Missouri too. I hope you get cleared out soon.


Anonymous said...

if you have a house in tulsa why are you in vegas?

loki said...

Well not that it's any of your business but, I am free and single, with no kids tying me down so I can come and go as I please.

I make a hell of alot more money here in Vegas then I could in Tulsa, and while I am gone I rent my house out and that pays the property taxes and insurance for the house and stuff like that.

So it just makes good businees sense, besides I like moving around and I like the fact that I can always go home to Tulsa whenever I feel like it!

I hope that answers your question.