Thursday, January 10, 2008


I didn't want to write about this until I had a couple of days to digest it, think about it, and get some facts.
As you all surely must know a few days ago 5 small Iranian boats harrassed and provoked 3 U.S. Navy ships in the Straits of hormuz, which is the entrance to the persian gulf where most of the world's oil travels through.
Apparently it went like this....

U.S. ships were sailing along
Suddenly 5 little Iranian speed boats, operated by the republican guard, charged towards the U.S. ships.
Then over the radio the Iranians announced that the U.S. ships would explode in a couple of minutes, and followed that announcement by tossing white boxes into the sea.
The U.S. personnel manned their weapons and were just about to fire when the Iranian boats sped away from the scene.

The whole ordeal took approx. 5 minutes.

The Iranians now say the whole thing was fabricated by the U.S. and that the incident was simply a routine communication between them and the U.S. ships.

Now I would like your opinions on the TRUE motives of the Iranians for doing this.
I know what I think, what do you think???


Anonymous said...




LOKI - Nana said...

muzzies have no porches lol

Future is now said...

They are testing to see how far they can get with us. They keep this shit up it will cause a war.

J*A*C*K said...

Send Iran a message next time and blow the little suckers out of the water. The only thing Iran seems to understand is lethal force used against them. They remind me of a gang of playground bullies.

Anonymous said...

Iran is trying to make the US fire the first shot so they can play martyrs and stir up the muslims around the world even more
its so fucking obvious

Anonymous said...

Iran is trying to see how far they can get away with and provoke an incident. Problem with their strategy is they will continue this tactic and we will take only so much and strike back extremely hard.

Iran is now claiming we made this all up. Well, they probably didn't realize we have tapes all over our ships to record incidents so people can't say we started it. When they discovered we had this on tape. The Iranian government states we made it up. Yet there are means to verify if a tape was altered. We could easily prove beyond any doubt that their assertion we made the tapes up is just not true. Personally the captain had every right under all our laws and international laws to strike back with force. Something I wish he did. More than likely this would shut these idiots up for a while. But, in the end the capt. made the correct decision. Last thing we need is another conflict currently. And if we displayed all the proof in the world the muslims would think it was a conspiracy or something. If the iranians want to make a real threat they would have used a much different method and not have shouted out what was going to happen in a few minutes. So, the capt. probably realized this action was a fake to provoke us into something, so the iranians could reach out to the world community as and like victims. funny how the iranians are constantly protraying themselves as a victim...when the entire world (but muslims) see they're perpatrating and provoking the americans into a fight. Why, because they are the ones who truly desire to start a war with america.

J*A*C*K said...

Iran wants to start a war with America? If this happens we need to bomb them back to the time of mohammed. Send islam a message. The only thing islam understands is their own destruction. It is time to throw political correctness out the window and get down to brass tacks.

Anonymous said...

iran wouldnt be doing anythig at all to provoke the united states if we werent busy in other places right now because they know we could exteminate them in the blink of an eye jack is right islam only understands power and there own destruction

Anonymous said...

Islam only understands, death, destitude, destruction and bloodshed. If we give it to them on such a grand scale... it will quiet their little insignificant ass and put them in their place. And if they elect to start their shit up again. Then we simply eradication them.