Saturday, January 5, 2008




Anonymous said...

yeah that was funny too Loki...stupid fucking muzzy shooting his AK-47 at a tank. More than likely he thought he could penetrate the tank...LMAO.

But Nuke's YouTube on the VW commerical is a classical. Would love to see a commerical like that ran here in america. But, we all know CAIR would have their panties in a bunch and it wouldn't be "Politically Correct." But loved the end of it....Small, but build strong.

Your's was a close second Loki. And keep up the good job on your blog. Your Header for this Blog is a perfect name. And I believe many see the agree with how you see the world through your eyes. Though, it's a bit messed up now in the world. People who are not americans forget, no matter what hurdles we face. We always seem to overcome them and come out on top. It's good to be an american. And I'm proud of being an american and all others who appreciate what we have and what we're capable of. People bash america because it's easy to pick on who's on top and doing what others are too scared to do or say.

Loki, have to admit going to be very interesting in how the primary's pan out. And seems more americans are more involved and interested in what is going to happen. Again, keep up the great work...your blog is my favorite to read. You articulate yourself very well and dead on in what you have to say. God Bless America for having people like you in a few others for not being scared to voicing your opinions.

Hope you and your loved ones have a great and healthy New Year. And don't worry Loki...America always seems to find a way to come out on top. Peace to you all

Future is now said...

Lmfao that was funny

Anonymous said...


loki said...

Thanks Scuba I appreciate it!!!

Anonymous said...

lol I love it when the towel heads get blown away

Anonymous said...

he go boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!