Wednesday, January 16, 2008


In order to understand what's going on here right now you have to understand what exactly the culinary union is.
It is a huge, very powerful union. It is VERY heavily latino, and estimates are that approx. 1/2 of culinary members are illegal immigrants.
(I would bet my life that it's more than 1/2).
Most of the union meetings are conducted in spanish ONLY and therefore the culinary members who do not speak spanish might as well not go to them.
You get the idea.

#1 - In Vegas almost every single casino is unionized and that union is the Culinary.
Several months ago the culinary began sending out leaflets encouraging it's members to vote for Hillary Clinton.
Union members even went to the casinos and sat in the EDR"S (emplyee dinning rooms) so they could talk to workers while they were on lunch breaks. Of course they concentrated ONLY on the latinos (the spanish speakers) and everyone else was pretty much ignored.

#2 - 9 casinos were set up to be caucas stations so that culinary workers who had to work Saturday could still participate.
Talk about courting the latino vote!!!
Last week the culinary switched gears and officially endorsed Barack Obama and are now encouraging members to vote for him.

#3 - Two days after that happened a law suit was filed by the Teacher's Union, stating that having caucuses inside the casinos gives casino workers an unfair advantage over other people across the state who do not work in casinos.
Of course the Teacher's Union didn't seem to have a problem with the casino caucuses until the culinary ditched Clinton and went for Obama, even though they say one has nothing to do with the other.

#4 - Since so many of the culinary workers are illegals, and will be voting for a democrat, I wanted to find out how the democratic primaries are going to prevent voter fraud.

Here is what I was told...... These culinary workers will be required to show a workers photo ID card, (not a drivers license, birth certificate or anything like that), and they will be required to sign a piece of paper saying that yes they are lawful citizens of the United States.

BUT here's the rub... if you work for a casino then you have to have a workers photo ID card, every single casino employee has one...that includes the approx. 50% of illegals working in the casinos here.
And as far as signing a piece of paper saying you belong here in th U.S, well who is gonna check these pieces of paper to make sure everyone is telling the truth??

I will tell you who.....The democratic party itself has the responsibility of checking, and they have absolutely ZERO incentive to do so because if they do they will have to take all those illegal names off, and therefore lose all of those illegal votes.
So you tell you really think they are going to check???


***Meanwhile Hillary is in Vegas now and spending time with every latino she can get her hands on. I have seen many photo ops in the news, etc... and in every single one Clinton is shmoozing with latinos, and only latinos!
I guess they are the onnly ones who matter to her.

On a side note...... Most of the Republicans are in South Carolina today and Huckabee signed a "No Amnesty" pledge!!


Anonymous said...

aint politics great you can buy the white house if you have enough money and just to make it look good you can have citizens of other nations rig the vote for you.

Anonymous said...

fucking hilliary and want to be first lady bill are probably sucking alot of wetback cock down there right now

Anonymous said...

I think what happened in Michigan was funny as shit. They changed their primary date without applying and getting it approved. Therefore whomever won there means nothing. Since Michigan has forfeited their delegates due to violating this important policy. What's is happening to our political process...first you have what loki said in Nevada and then the Michigan incident. And Loki that is messed up that these illegals have a say so in a vote. Everyone should be checked to ensure they are a citizen and registered to vote. Voting is a right for citizens and no one else. You can't have your own party policing these rules.

Anonymous said...

aw man that is some fucked up shit there loki no wonder the border isn't being protected and no wonder we have so many millions of illegals here now they have more rights then we do in the shadows my ass these fucking illegals are out in the sunshine taking everything that belongs to us including now our right to pick our own president this is so fucked up I am so fucking tired of hearing shit like this we have got to do something about all this and soon

loki said...

I heard today that a judge threw out the teacher's union lawsuit, meaning the casino caucus stations WILL remain, which will give Barack Obama a huge advantage on the democratic side.

200,000 culinary least half of them illegals, are being encouraged to vote for Obama because for whatever reason the culinary has decided that he would be their best bet for continuing the flow of illegal aliens into this country!!!

Anonymous said...

Just because a large organization endorses a candidate. Doesn't mean the people will go along with that endorsement. Just means the powers in that organization feel the candidate they like will best support their agenda. I read an article that most people in both unions are not supporting the candidate the union heads are endorsing. Hopefully this is true come voting time.

LOKI - Nana said...

That is very true