Friday, January 25, 2008


In chat the other night I was talking with a few people, and I am not sure how the subject came up but Ariel and I both agreed that as far as insects go, butterflys and rollie pollies were among our favorites.

This led to us finding out that certain other people (I won't mention any names here --- Saltine & Nuke) don't know what rollie pollies are.
After having tried endlessly to explain the little creatures to them, someone (saltine) still didn't get it.
Some people (Saltine) are just a little thick!

I put up a link in the room where a picture of them could be seen, and this certain person (Saltine) said she didn't see the link and suggested it was as imaginary as my lil rolli pollies.

Well, I don't have to take that from a cracker, so here is proof.
lil rollie pollies....ain't they precious.!!! LOL

There that'll teach you to call my friends "imaginary".


Future is now said...

nasty bugs

Anonymous said...

Hey loki We have a bug that is called a tumble bug. How it got its name is because it rolls shit up in to balls. Some call it tumble turds. I'll try and get a pic of it.

Anonymous said...

Rollie Pollies are also called "Pill Bugs" or "Sal Bugs."

If Nuke paid more attention to Earthlings instead of Martians, he'd know what they are.

They are kind of like Millipedes but smaller, less legs.

loki said...

Nuke you need to shut your mean lil mouth about these purty lil bugs now!!
Whats wrong with you!!

I swear some people are just so cruel.

loki said...

I would like to see them lol

Anonymous said...

who the fuck is saltine?

LOKI - Nana said...

Saltine is CG
It's an old joke between the 2 of us!

Anonymous said...

you and cg are friends? does she know your a racist loki how does she feel about it since she is married to a african american?

Anonymous said...

Hey loki did you see the fire at the casino today?
You live in Las Vegas right?

Anonymous said...

To the person that claims loki is racist, please give me one example of Loki making any racist comments ?, if your referring to illegal immigrants, it's not a race issue, it's an economic issue that is to big of a burden for us to endure, and not only that it's illegal, no other nation in the world has open borders like the USA has, so why not try to sneak into Mexico and see what happens, they shoot to kill if you cross thier border.
Now if you are calling her a racist because of her views on islam, than again you would be wrong, dislikeing islam is the same as disliking the KKK, the neo-nazi's, etc, because they all hold the same views of other racists.
Now I know who you are and I know your not the most upstanding person in the world with questionable sexual practices, but don't call loki a racist, because I can promise you this, she has known CG for far longer than you ever will.

Islam is a danger to Women, Children, and all living things

loki said...

Hey asshole I don't give a shit what color a person is.
I do however have a huge problem with the "everybody owes me something & nothing is my fault" attitude.
I am also not a fan of the "we can be racists but you cant" theory that alot of blacks tend to have.

Once we get past all that bullshit I'll be just fine!

Saltine (CG) is well aware of how I feel so you can go fuck yourself!!!

Lowglow thanks for taking up for me sweety.

And stalker yes I do live in Vegas and hell no I didn't see the fire because I was sleeping lol
I work late night so I am usually in bed at that time of day.

I'm sure the tourists thought it was exciting, but for the rest of us it was just a lil yawn.

I really don't understand why it made the national and even international news lol

But I wish I worked there right now though because all the employees will continue getting full pay and benefits until the casino is reopened which may take 30 days.

They are gonna get paid for staying home!!
Oh well just my luck lol

For those of you who have never been here the Monte Carlo is on the strip (Las Vegas Blvd) and sits right next to the New York New York casino.

BTW did you guys see my lovely lil firemen??
Ain't they precious!
WOOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Rollie pollies are mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm good with steak sauce and a little salt.