Saturday, January 12, 2008


I visited Blonde's blog today and she has written a post regarding the "Christian" church that Barack Obama belongs to.
I felt it was so important that we all see this that I wanted to bring it to my blog too.
Now as we all know Barack Obama denies being muslim and affirms his Christianity at every turn. However it might do us all well to look at the particular church to which he belongs!
This church is being called, by some, more of a cult than to a true religion, and after going to the churches web site and watching the videos below I tend to agree.
It certainly affirms the fact that I do NOT want HIM as my president because as a white person and an American it is completely clear that he would not have my personal best interests at heart.

The church follows a "10-point vision", which is refered to, by the church itself, as "Afro-centric"

This is the churches website
You should all read the short paragraph and watch the short video produced by the church.
It's quite interesting and eye opening too!!!

You should also watch the following videos to get an idea of just how this church really works!!!

Part 1 of FOX news investigation on Baracks church (2 min 53 sec)

Part 2 of Fox news interview with pastor of the church (6 min 14 sec)


Anonymous said...

wow learn something more disguting every day

Anonymous said...

Loki I been saying the rooms for the longest time now that Obama is no christian. He made this supposed change a little while back because he wanted to run president. And he knew that a huge majority would never elect a muslim into the office of the presidency. In fact many reputable polls taked have revealed that 87% or higher people said they never would elect a muslim for president. And the 87% was the lowest precentage among all the polls taken. So, anyone can do that math on that one in reference to Obamas agenda.

If and a big (if) Obama gets the Democratic ticket for President. You bet the Republicians will bring out the ammo on Obamas muslim background. They are just saying this ammo if it should be needed. And then of course the media will cover it. And boom his chance of becoming president is done with.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't like obama but having a black president sure would shut some people up because then certain races wouldnt be able to run around claiming oppression
the biggest losers if we ever had a black president would be people like al sharpton and jesse jackson and those like them but that day will have to wait awhile because obama will never sit in the oval office he is a muslim and a sympathizer and I dont think america is stupid enough to put one of them in office

Anonymous said...

the nigger will never get in

Anonymous said...

i always liked the USA.but i have to say poor america. This country is for sell.the mexicans control the south,people drive Toyotas, and BMW.TV' are made in komunist China,and NOW a Muslim like to be President.