Monday, January 21, 2008


Certain people, I don't have to mention any names here, seem to think that if you hate muzzies then you are not American!
That if you hold muzzies responsible for the autrosities they have commited then you are somehow unAmerican.

They seem to think that since they have forgiven muzzies, married one, and sleeps with one, that they are somehow better Americans than the rest of us.

So what makes a true American???

Is it forgiveness of American's enemies??
Is it fraternization with America's enemies??
Is it the capitulation to those who would have us either completely destroyed or under the yoke of islam??


A true American is one who proves their love of and loyalty to this great nation by standing their ground and defending her at all costs.
A true American is one who believes in the principles this nation was founded on, but also recognizes that there is a limit to our generousity and the forgiveness we are willing to show.

A true American NEVER EVER fraternizes with an enemy of this country.
A true American never capitulates, never surrenders, and will never fall under the yoke of islam.

Islamic beliefs are completely opposite to everything this great nation stands for. America absolutely can NOT stand side by side with the religion of Islam.
I say you simply can not be American if you accept islam.
The 2 things are polar opposites to each other and can not survive together.

The one true goal of islam is to change us, to take away every single thing that makes us "Americans".
To kill us off or breed us out of existence, either way will do, and it is up to we TRUE AMERICANS to make sure this never happens, we must preserve ourselves at all costs.

So when certain people among us sell themselves to islam for a fuck, and breed future islamic terrorists, who will do nothing else in life except work to destroy us, then it is our patriotic duty and absolute responsibility to protect ourselves and our great nation from these people.

These women who sell their souls to the islamic devil deserve no grace or forgiveness for they are nothing more than the incubators of future jihadis.
They are part of the war machine that fights against EVERYTHING we, as true Americans, believe in!!!

I say a true American has no choice but to hate islam!!!


Anonymous said...

lol loki my loki I see the lure of the chat room drama has finally gotten to you to I like it when you get angry its sexy

Anonymous said...

Hello Loki,

Well I have not been in chat for awhile, and I made the sad mistake of redownloading the yahoo chat program.
Boy that was a mistake, the first thing that happened was Dracula attacked me and called me a Jew, now I don't mind being called names, if it's true, but my god, this woman is a crazy muslim lover and of course I found out she is friends with deception, go figure

Loki, what happened to all the rooms, is no one standing up for freedom anymore ?


Anonymous said...

amen sister loki tell it like it is

Anonymous said...

excellent thread Loki and absolutely true in your accessment.

Lowglow, just ignore Drac. She is a big time drunk. And no one respects her, as well as she has no credibility. She is getting to be one of the worse hated people in the rooms. She is so insecure, she allows prophet (her BF) to constantly mentally abuse her. And one time when she visited him. He put her in a hospital due to beating the shit out him. Yet she profess' her deep love for the man. A man who has no job, sells and does his own admission. Yet she will defend him and say he has ADD and OCD. People ask her why would you want to share your life with a person like this. And all she can say is...she loves him. Which tells me that she thinks very little of herself and doesn't love herself.

If a person cannot love themselves then how in hell can they love someone else.

Kathi said...

Well said Loki. I applaud you!


loki said...

Hey Lowglow,

How are you?

The rooms went to hell long ago.
It's extremely hard to bash muzzies because everyone is so busy bashing each other.

And now some of those former muzzie bashers are now muzzie defenders which makes the problem even worse!!
Which is why I wrote this particular thread.

I very rarely go into the rooms but when I do I bash muzzies because that always has been the purpose of my going to islam chat!!

So just keep doing what you have always done lowglow.
Stand up for freedom and fuck the rest who don't!!!

Anonymous said...

loki what you said above is exactly why you should be in the roomss more often we need true muslim bashers like you to fight against the dickweeds who defend them I know you hate the arguing but you can at least see why we argue with some of them because they are defending muslims I knw some of the arguing is bullshit but some of it is rightous and you are well spoken and a great debater and we need al the people like you that we can get. just so you know I would stand next you and share a fox hole without even a thought because I know you are a true patriot who would always have my back

Anonymous said...

after 9-11 any bitch who takes up with a towel headed terrorist should be placed against the wall and exacuted

Anonymous said...

bravo!!!! Arriba yepa andale LOKI!!!


G ê ø

LOKI - Nana said...

Merci beaucoup!!!

Anonymous said...

Loki I find room 4 full of muslims to bash and fuck with. room 2 is just full of drama. room 2 a few months ago wasn't so bad. but then a few of the old trouble makers from 10 and 1 came in and brought their shit with them. no one cares to hear who's love affair is going sour and so on. so you're best off in room 4 or even room 1. plenty of those muslim bastards to trash.

and i agree with i_hate_muslims....all muslims, muslim associates and muslim lovers should be exeuted on the spot. no trial no hearings. just do it like in the old west days. you suspect someone or have some evidence. just string them up. kill them any means ur capable of. because when it comes to it. they will do the samething. so, premptive strikes are necessary. if america so far as has a car bombing. you can bet people will take to killing muslims so fast. and nothing law enforcement can do to stop the masses


SweetLady_Tiger said...

Loki me Okie!!!

I usually hang in room 4, because it us usually full of muzzies and I am in chat to expose Islam. Hope you drop by some time.

Anonymous said...

I dont understand why all these so called muslim bashers sit in rm.2 and laugh and talk to Earl and Skully,when they are muslims or are good friends with muslims like shark and a few other scum just as bad

LOKI - Nana said...

I was in room 2 last night slagging the fuck out of earl.
I have NEVER been friendly with earl and never will be because he is a fucking muzzie.

I tolerated skully until he started defending earl and yelling at saltine (CG) then I iggied his ass.