Saturday, February 2, 2008


Exxonmobile just released it quarterly report.

They made $10.6 BILLION PROFIT in the last 3 months of 2007!!
For the entire 2007 year they pulled in $48 BILLION in profits.

Yet they keep asking for and getting tax breaks and stuff from the U.S. government.
Why you ask...
Well according to Exxonmobile, for every $1 they make they pay $2.50 in taxes.

Ok I know that I'm no math wiz but could someone please explain to me exactly how they can pay $2.50 tax for every $1 they make and still come out with a $10.6 Billion profit!!!

This company made so much that they have officially set the record of making more money than any other company in the entire world, in the entire history of companies making money.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dont worry Loki your brain is ok cause with oil companys its always impossible to do the math lol

Anonymous said...

Hello dear and GBU.
Today I was reading this story about something that shocked me to no end, it seems that many muslim countrys arer taking thier people whom suffer from mental retardation and shipping them to suicide camps in syria and Jordan, to be used as suicide bombers.
Now I can not confirm nor deny this because it was a small story in my local paper, but I would sure like to know if anyone else has any sources on this, so I could research it further, So if anyone could help me out, I'd be very greatful.
If this story is true, than it would explain a lot about the two ladys used as suicide bombers in Iraq recently that were mentally retarded.
If this is the case we had better look really hard at whom we are dealing with and people like deception need to stop making excuses for their bad behaviors.
Anyways nice to see everyone and I hope all is well, please I beg of everyone to not give up the fight, I know sometimes we feel beat down and helpless, but in the end, the good guys always win, if we all stay in line.

Islam is a danger to Women, Children, and all living things

Future is now said...

The thing that pisses me off is it seems no one cares or wants to do anything about this. I guess most people like to be fucked in the ass.

Future is now said...

They are full of shit when they say they pay 2.50 tax on every dollar they make. If that was the case they would be out of business along time ago.

Anonymous said...

its real simple. approximately 25% of the price of a gallon of gas consists of state and local taxes. these governments bear 0% of the costs of exploration, drilling, refining, transportation or any of the other costs associated with getting that gallon of gas into your gas tank. furthermore, when oil is $20.00 a barrell, and oil companies are going broke trying to produce petroleum products (anyone remember the mid 80's when oil companies were going broke daily?), the government doesn't reduce the taxes. it is still there, snatching a quarter of the money, for no investment, no risk, no loss, no nothing. so if you want lower gas prices, maybe you should ask your government why it takes a quarter of everything? why doesnt the government lower the tax bite?

Anonymous said...

Check out the oil company profits the last few years. Something wrong here? The oil lobyists in Washington are the reason we are not moving more twords cheap alternate power sources.

loki said...

Oh I agree with that 1000%