Wednesday, February 6, 2008


As of 2006, the United States accepts more legal immigrants as permanent residents than any other country in the world.
In 2006, the number of legal immigrants totaled 37.5 million
Illegal immigrant figures range from 12 milllion to as high as 20 million with the vast majority of those being Mexican.

Analysts say that by 2050 whites will be the minority in America.

I will go even further and estimate that within the next 3-4 decades American citizens (of all colors) will be minorities in America!

Imagine that, American citizens the minority in our own country!!!

Historical populations Census Pop.
1800 - 5,236,631
1900 - 76,212,168
2000 - 281,421,906
2007 - 303,111,027 (Est.)

According to the US census department the US population is expected to rise to
420 million in 2050
and then to 571 million in 2100

Look at how fast the population is growing.
Before you know it we'll be knee deep in each other with no room to breath.

The main reason for these fast growing numbers are Mexicans.
At present time some 25% of the entire population of Mexico lives here in the U.S.
And Mexicans here are breeding like rabbits.
Have you ever seen a Mexican couple walk down the street that didn't have a least 3 or 4 kids in tow and another one on the way??

America: the great melting pot!
This was once a good motto
However now the pot is overflowing and making a huge mess all over the stove, if you know what I mean!

When Mexico finally breeds us out of our own sovereignty I wonder what America's new name will be:
"The Republic of Mexico"?
"The United States of Mexico"?
"The Extended Federation of Mexico"?
Or perhaps the world will simply call it "The largest third world shithole on earth" !


J*A*C*K said...

You mean you didn't know? Some day in the future the U.S., Mexico and most of Canada will become one country. However, the total land mass will be reduced as the oceans rise from global warming.


J*A*C*K said...

....also as the climate warms up the population will shift twords the center and north, after which a mini ice age will occur.

-me again-

LOKI - Nana said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah this I have heard before!

Better the ice take it than the Mexicans lol

Seriously I do believe major changes are coming.

Kathi said...

I think true "white" people will disappear in the next few hundred years. All the "euro/american" whites are breeding with the mexicans, middle easterners and blacks. There is a reason cats and dogs don't breed. The same should hold true for the human species.


Anonymous said...

well said kathi, i believe the races shouldn't inter-breed as well. not because i'm a racist. but, just it isn't meant to be. human beings can learn a lot from the animal kingdom. in how they don't mix breed or kick the males out of a pride so they don't have inbreeding and so forth. Initially there are five races on this planet, 1.whites, 2.asians, 3.his-spanish, 4.indians, 5.blacks.

anything else is considered a sub-race and therefore dilutes the original above mentioned races.