Thursday, February 21, 2008


I get the feeling that you are a little nervous lately about what might happen just because you dared to use your Constitutional right an voice an opinion!!!
Believe me you have NOTHING to worry about.
Your statement was completely benign comparatively speaking.
You did not threaten violence nor did you advocate for anyone else to commit violence.

Hell I have said way worse things in public and here on this blog, including wishing death to all muzzies, and though they may not like it, there is really not a damn thing they can do, because they can't stop us from wishing right!!!

The ONLY reason they used your comment in the first place is because you voiced the point of view of the "WHITE non-muslim".

Part of the the muzzie agenda, (as well as other groups) is to prove that THEY are not the problem, but rather all the real problems have to do with the "racist" white people.
It has been a fabulous strategy too because whenever we have the race card pulled on us we then have to spend all of our time defending the fact that we are not racist, and in doing so the original reason for our voices is forgotten.
I learned long ago to accept the label of racist because I will not allow anyone to take my voice away.
Besides if defending what I truely believe in is racism then so fucking be it!!!!

Take the border issue for instance,
We want our nation protected and we are the ONLY country in the entire world with such an open border.
Those who are here illegally and those who support them know that crossing any border is an illegal act but instead of admitting it they pull the old race card and change the subject from border security to the racism of the white man!!!
Those of us who advocate a secure border have to spend 50% of our time denying that we are racists which means we have lost 50% of our time which could have been dedicated to securing the border.

I notice you are now trying to defend yourself for using such words as "white non-muslim".
Kathi you do not need to defend yourself, it's ok to say what you said.
Keep to the real issue and DO NOT allow THEM to change the subject!

Anyway Kathi, let the FBI, CIA, NSA, CAIR or Whoever, try to get you. They love to scare people but in the end they too have to follow the constitution.
Just smile, demand a lawyer, and sing the first amendment!!!

However I am absolutely positive that none of this will happen,
you have no need to worry at all because like I said you did not do anything wrong.

All this "investigation talk" is just a scare tactic by CAIR ( one they often use) as a way to keep you silent in the future.
To guarantee that you will never voice your opinions again.
Don't let it work!!
Don't let them win!!



Anonymous said...

I would follow you anywhere and not just because I am obsessed with you either lol

Anonymous said...

no one is investigating kathi they could care less about her so dont be so paranoid

Anonymous said...

Are you illiterate of what?
Loki said no one was investigating kathi and told her not to worry about it. I dont think loki is paranoid at all about any of the things she talks about. She has a real grasp of what is really going on in the world and is trying to make sure that everyone else understands these things as well as she does.

Kathi said...

Thanks Loki. I admit the whole thing was making me nervous, but I have had a chance to put it all into perspective.

Pat and I are planning to go have a look see at the tower over the weekend. There have been local citizen protesters out in front since the beginning of the construction. I am hoping we can hook up with a local group to help take a stand against the muslim infestation in St. Louis. It's really not a black/white issue, it's a fight for freedom against those wanting to destroy our society.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
no one is investigating kathi they could care less about her so dont be so paranoid



That was fucking freaknose Ferret. Keep your polically correct snake nose off of this blog you anti-American pro-islam whore! Fuck off! Go be with your mother and dance with the maggots.

Anonymous said...

Ferret it's not "could care less" this would mean someone could lesser than what was initially said. The proper comment to be said is...."I couldn't care less." Meaning your are the lowest point of caring.

And Kathi. If anything you should continue to speak out and if anything be more adamant too. Loki was correct CAIR uses these tactic to silence people. Because they (CAIR) knows people here can voice their opinions say they hate. As long as it's not a threat which is viable.