Monday, February 4, 2008


On issues such as illegal immigration, securing the border, bringing jobs back to the U.S., etc... we have very few public advocates in this nation who speak out and represent what we the people really need and want these days.
One such person is Lou Dobbs from CNN.

Mr. Dobbs has spent the last 6 years discussing these problems in an open and honest way, rejecting the political correctness aspoused by almost all the others.
In other words he tells it like it really is.

The National Council of La Raza, which is a socio-ethno-centric org. that advocates open borders and complete amnesty for illegals (well all Mexicans anyway) has often attacked Lou Dobbs and others like him.
Many times they have sent large groups of hispanics to protest outside Lou's studio, calling him a racist and a hate monger.

Today the President & CEO of La Raza. Janet Murguia, announced that her group is mounting a new campaign in which they will go to the heads of the networks of CNN, FOX news, and MSNBC to demand that person's such as Lou be fired unless they stop allowing anti-illegal speakers on their airwaves.

She accuses Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck, and others of promoting hate speech and "handing hate a microphone" and "demonizing the hispanic community" by allowing such orgs. as the Minutemen, the ALIPAC, and FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) and others, to voice their opinions on the air.

La Raza uses statistics from such orgs. as the ADL (Anti-Defomation league), and the Southern Poverty law center, who is now nothing more than an amnesty advocate and fund raising group, to back up her assertions.
Ms. Murguia says that because of anti-illegal conversations on the air that hate crimes against hispanics has risen some 23% and she blames people such as Lou for it, and uses the FBI statistics to back her up....
However according to the FBI Hate crimes statistics -
hate crimes against hispanics is as follows.......
2006 - 522 incidents
2007 - 576 incidents
Which certainly does NOT equal a 23% increase.
It also does not say that these incidents were in any way caused by people like Lou Dobbs or the orgs. who support tougher immigration laws and secure borders.

Quite literally La Raza is demanding that our right to free speech be taken away from us.
According to La Raza we have no right to speak out against illegal immigration or open borders.
Ms Murguia says that everyone who is against amnesty is a hate monger, and that those who speak out against open borders and illegal immigration are practicing "hate speech".

She also stated that the conversations against illegal immigration and open borders is not what the American people want anyway.
So she is really speaking on our behalf because apparently we all want an open & unprotected border, and a flood of millions of illegals streaming across that border every year.

If she gets her way, news networks will no longer be allowed to talk about the problems of open borders or illegal immigration.
The only voices that will be allowed are the ones that agree with her organization!!!
In other words, only those who want open borders and amnesty for every illegal that crosses those open borders, should have a voice on the airwaves.


Anonymous said...

loki I thought you were a fox fan

Anonymous said...

She can go to hell too Loki. She has no right telling us what we need to do. In fact the National Crime rate increased by 23% from illegal aliens. A fact which can be proven. Now imagine if we had tighter and/or close borders...Our national crime rate would be reduced by 23%, which is very significant to me and anyone else with a brain. And though this doesn't say which group of illegals contributed to the national crime rate increase. But, the stats reflect that 93% of all illegal immigrants are people coming from mexico. So anyone can do the math and see it's the mexican who significantly increased the national crime rate.

She can go to the major networks all she wants and bitch. It will be in vain. The american people are sick and tired of these illegals and the networks will always allow the TV personalities to report the fact on this issue. I can't stand people who think amnesty and open borders are a good thing. Yeah, it's good for them and just hurts us. These illegals are NOT entitled to ANYTHING.

Anonymous said...

Wonders what the "red skins" thought when "pale face" invaded their land(s).

Anonymous said...

Sorry.... I forgot the "MD".

loki said...

dr. john laPoop (see me on cbs) said...
Wonders what the "red skins" thought when "pale face" invaded their land(s).

I think history shows exactly what we thought about it!

When it first occured we were cool and welcoming (a mistake)

After we found out their true goals we were NOT welcoming at all!!

There's your history lesson for the day.
Maybe you should have paid more attention in school.

loki said...

Oh and MY tribe (Apache) hated and still hate the Mexicans

If you want to know why, do a little research!!

Anonymous said...

dont piss loki off she will scalp you

Anonymous said...

Who doesn't hate the mexicans. They're like a virus. The go to places in droves (like locus). And consume and use any and all resources till it's exhausted. Then they move onto a new place and repeat the process. And we all know what needs to be done to a needs to be eradicated before it's too late and destroys what is precious to us all.

LOKI - Nana said...

I could not have said it better myself!
That was a perfect analogy!!!

Kathi said...

I am all for closing the borders and booting out not only the illegals, but anyone from a country that is a threat to the United States and what it stands for.


p.s. loki, i am totally disgusted with the Dem's in my state.

LOKI - Nana said...

Yes Kathi I can imagine.
To have your own party support a muzzie, is throwing salt on the wounds of 9-11 and on the good men that have fought and died since!!!